Japanese News This Week 18 June 2017


Japan News.
Japan Arrests Longest-Sought Fugitive After Nearly 46 Years
New York Times

'Conspiracy' law enacted to punish planning of crimes
The Mainichi

Japan to launch self-navigating cargo ships 'by 2025'

Japan accused of eroding press freedom by UN special rapporteur

End Game for Japan’s Construction State - The Linear (Maglev) Shinkansen and Abenomics
Japan Focus

Last Week's Japan News on the JapanVisitor blog


June 20 is World Refugee Day. There are an estimated 65 million refugees worldwide.

Canada, with a population roughly 1/4 of Japan's,  has accepted 40,000 Syrians alone since the fall of November 2015.

Japan however continues to be extremely unwelcoming to refugees.

In 2016, a record 10,901 would be refugees applied for asylum last year in Japan. That was an increase of 3,315 on the previous year. Of the applicants, 28 were accepted. 

Sources: Asahi Shinbun, June 14, page 13

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