Mitsubishi Estate Artium


The Mitsubishi Estate Artium is a small art gallery in Tenjin, Fukuoka. The exhibitions change about once a month and are often accompanied by lectures, talks and film shows.

Mitsubishi Estate Artium, Tenjin, Fukuoka.

Work displayed covers a wide range of styles including painting, sculpture, illustration, design and photography and draws from local, national and international artists.

In May 2017 the exhibition is The Secret of Simplicity, showcasing the work of Dutch artist Dick Bruna. Entry fees vary by exhibition, but a 2,000 annual pass allows entry to all exhibitions for a year.

IMS Building Tenjin Fukuoka.

The gallery is located on the 8th floor of Inter Media Station, a ten-floor shopping mall located across from Tenjin Nishitetsu Station.

Open 10am to 8pm. Closed irregularly whenever IMS is closed.

The Mitsubishi Estate Artium
8F Tenjin 1-7-11 Fukuoka City
Fukuoka 810-0001
Tel: 092 733 2050

IMS Building Tenjin Fukuoka.


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