Why did I not eat here earlier???

Earlier this month, I made my way back to Fukuoka because I was going to surprise my granddad for his birthday. And since it's pretty much impossible for me to catch the flight if I leave from Sasebo, I arrived in Fukuoka the night before. My main concern was finding a place to eat, since I was leaving after work and getting there pretty late but I shouldn't have worried because it's Fukuoka. There's going to be something open.

After some googling, I went to Campbell Early and now my only regret is that I didn't visit this place sooner because I REALLY WANT TO GO BACK.

I really like everything about the shop, from their interior:

To their food!

I wasn't that hungry when I reached Fukuoka, so I just had their amaou strawberry milk shot pancake. It's a special dish because there was some Meiji event going on at that time.

The pancakes aren't as fluffy as say, hona pancakes (which I just realised I didn't blog about here - what was I thinking??) but they're very flavourful and I enjoyed them very much.

The pancakes are topped with cream, strawberry sauce and ice-cream, and it comes with a shot of milk and a shot of strawberry sauce. I poured both over the pancakes and I was initially afraid that the plate would overflow, the pancakes absorbed EVERYTHING. And it made them even more delicious.

I ended up eating one pancake alone (since it was soaked with the milk + strawberry sauce), one with the cream and strawberry sauce on top, and one with ice-cream. So I got three different flavours (sort of different?) in one dish.

The tea was really good too.

I added tea to the pancakes for 200 yen and chose their mango tea! The taste of mango wasn't very strong, but instead it was a very fruity tea. Ok, I sound like I contradicted myself but what I'm trying to say is that while the tea tasted fruity, it didn't particularly taste like mango. And for some reason, I had Mslena (I hope I spelled that right!)/Kunitachi Tea House vibes when I was drinking the tea.

If you're ever in Fukuoka and you like pancakes and tea, this is worth a visit! It's cute, it's conveniently located (it's on the 9th floor of Hakata station) and the food is good(:

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