Wild flowers

From April till now, I often found various wild flowers blooming while I was taking a walk. Most wild flowers start blooming in April. One of my favorite wild flowers is orange poppy, called long-headed poppy.
Long-headed poppy
 Long-headed poppy is not Japan native, exotic species. It was observed 1961 in Japan in first time. The reason of its seed vigor is powerful and in full of vitality, long-headed poppy spread in a moment. From middle of April to end of May, I could see it everywhere. In my opinion, blooming long-headed poppy means the arrival of blight sunny season as well as beginning the time of viewing cheerful wild flowers. The reason of my favorite of orange puppy is its color of petal. Compared to the common color of flowers, such as pink, yellow or purple, orange flower is rarely observed. Orange is my favorite color, too. 

Even my favorite color is orange, I also have a lot of fun to see lily pink wild flower. This primrose is called daytime primrose.
Daytime primrose
Generally speaking, primrose blooms in night time, though this flower bloom in daytime. It starts blooming everywhere from end of April to June. Due to its lily pink color, densely blooming of daytime primrose at open space, such as public park or roadside of coastline, make them to be gorgeous and attracts many people.  

Now it is end of June, the middle of rainy season in Japan. The fun time of observing wild flowers is almost end.

 At last, I will show you the representative flower of rainy season, hydrangea. Personally, I don’t like hydrangea so much. Against with the other blight color flowers, most hydrangeas are blue or purple. Densely bloomed petals, those form a large one flower, gives me messy, bizarre impression.
 Hydrangea starts blooming early June till middle of July, it is almost the same time of rainy season.


The end of blooming hydrangea is synonym for the end of rainy season, which brings us a sunny, blight, hot and humid summer. I am looking forward to coming summer!  
by A.C

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