Inviting all authors/bloggers for interview

Hello everyone,

Review Carnival is sponsoring a grand scheme wherby we will post the interview of every author/blogger who answers the following questions satisfactorily and e-mails the answers to Traditionally published authors of all genres are welcome. Please attach your photo, bio, links you would like to be included in the post and photo of your book covers (at least 1) with the answers.

All bloggers who review books are welcome too. I might also consider those who write blogs related to beauty or fashion or review fashion products. Bloggers please include link to your blog, photo of you (optional), a pic of your blog (required) and your e-mail ID along with the answers to the questions for bloggers.

Everyone PLEASE include your E-MAIL and PLEASE FOLLOW ME ON Google Connect to validate your entries. Thank you.

Here are the questions for AUTHORS

Favorite color-
Favorite author-
Favorite book-
Zodiac sign-
Your motto-
City of your dreams-

Here are the more serious ones-

1. Is the life of a writer what you imagined it to be?

2. What genre do you write and why?

3. Out of comedy, romance and sci-fi/fantasy, which genre are you most likely to read? (Closest to your tastes)

4. Have you ever suffered from the dreaded writer's block? How did you deal with it?

6. What kind of characters/settings do you like the most?

7. What message would you like to give your fans?

Here are the questions for BLOGGERS

Favorite color-
Favorite author-
Favorite book-
Zodiac sign-
Your motto-
City of your dreams-

1. When did you start blogging?

2. What do you love about blogging?

3. Tell us about your blog.

4. Would you like to read comedy, romance or science fiction/fantasy (which of these is closest to you interests?)

5. Your favorite books, authors.

6. Make a question up yourself and answer it.

Again, please e-mail your answers to

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