Dangerous Characters: Revy

If you remember, a couple of months ago, when we reviewed Black Lagoon, the anime based off of Rei Hiroe's manga, the main character, Rock, got shoved into a real mess. You couldn't know who you trusted and everyone who wasn't overtly on your side may as well have be out to get you even if on the surface they weren't. It'd be easiest to say that everyone was dangerous under that circumstance, but really if you had to pick one truly dangerous character out of the bunch, it may as well be the party's resident sociopath. So let's give it up for our newest initiate. Revy can be a bit touchy, so don't make her mad, otherwise you'll find out why within the Thai Underworld she's earned the nickname "Two Hands."

Not much is currently known about Revy. Apparently she originated from Chinatown in New York city though currently she works as a mercenary aboard the PT boat, the Black Lagoon. She has a reputation that would even put some pirates to shame as she delights in running into the line of fire, guns blazing (usually destroying everything in her path) and makes no bones about killing civilians who might be in the way. A heavy drinker, as well as a heavy smoker, Revy is not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. Her preferred approach is always violent and blunt. You won't catch her doing most of the party's negotiating, if any of it. Strangely enough, this actually plays off of Rock's character very well, so if he's around, he may be able to help her see reason, just don't threaten him or hurt him in any way, otherwise you've just signed yourself a death sentence (she's the only one allowed to do that to him). There's also Dutch who may be the only one who has been able to come close to controlling her, and even he has problems sometimes. Should she ever be encountered (First, what the hell are you doing in such a dangerous place? Second, why are you getting involved with mercs?) it's probably best just to get out of there or failing that, hide, hopefully somewhere bulletproof. Those cutlass pistols of hers can be quite deadly. You have my sympathies friend, hopefully the bullets will stop flying sometime.

Image taken from Black Lagoon.

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