Il Mar (Korean)

An interesting and sweet love story told in a sweet manner with a fantastic twist in the story of a magical mail box. Even if you don't have the ability to fall in love with something out of ordinary and magical, I am sure you will like this story...

The story begins with Eun-joo moving out of a house by the sea called "Il Mare". As she is leaving, she leaves a Christmas card in the mailbox, asking the next resident to please forward her mail to her. Sung-hyun, an architectural student, receives her card, but is puzzled, since he is the first resident at "Il Mare" and the card is dated 2 years in the future. After a series of back and forth correspondences, Eun-joo and Sung-hyun realize they are living 2 years apart, Eun-joo in the year 2000 and Sung-hyun in the year 1998. After some testing, Eun-joo and Sung-hyun discover that the mailbox at "Il Mare" is enabling their communication and they can pass letters objects and living creatures through. Soon both fall in love...but 2 years stands between them as barrier...

This film was remade as English Film ‘Lake house’ later. That film is quiet famous, but I have not seen it yet. well, why go for a remake when we have the original here. :-)

My ratings of this Movie : 9/10

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