The Classic (Korean)

A beautiful film about love and friendship...
Gets a bit sad around in the 3/4 area of the film, but then catches up happiness towards the end.
In whole a worth to watch...

The film tells about the story of a mother and daughter.
Ji-hye has a crush on Sang-min, a senior in her college who studies Drama, and is apparently her best friends's boyfriend. He seems too far to reach for her. But that is when she accidentally stumbles on her mother's past. Her mother has passed away. But Ji-hye while cleaning, sees the box in which her mother kept her diary and the letters she and Ji-hye's father exchanged. Hi-hye remember that her mother always hed tears when she used to read those. And when accidentally wind knocks them over and she happen to see that, even though the envelop has the name of  Tae-soo (her father) for sender's name, inside the letter it's signed by Joon-ha. This confuses her and she begins to read her mother's diary and the letters.
Her mother, Joo-hee, met Joon-ha on her vacation trip to her grand father's house in village. And Joon-ha was there for his vacation trip too. When Joo-he says it is a coincidence that they both live in the same city but met here it is a coincidence, Joon-ha whispers to himself that it might be fate.
And they both becomes sort of friends or something, but has to part. Later in school, Tea-soo, a boy in Joon-ha's class asks him to write letter's to his fiancee, whom his dad has chosen for him, ans shows him Joo-ha's photo. So like this Joon-he begins to write to Joo-ha for Tea-soo, and soon meet her too because of Tae-soo... And their love story continues....

But the mystery is when Ji-hye found that Sang-min has written the same sentence in one of his gift cards which Joon-ha has written to her mother...

 But by now Tae-soo and Joon-ha has become friends. Can Joon-ha betray his friend?? But Tae-soo backs off when he finds about the situation, but fate goes wrong again...

My Ratings of this Movie: 9/10

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