Author Interview- Dan O' Brien

It's been a long while since I reviewed an author. Here's a new author interview from an upcoming fantasy writer, Dan O'Brien whose novel 'The Path of the The Fallen' has received rave reviews on amazon.


Favorite color- Blue

Favorite author- Ernest Hemmingway

Favorite book- Les Miserables

Zodiac sign- Libra

Place of your dreams- Mendocino Coast

Your motto- "There are no limits, only mountains you are unwilling to climb."

On to the serious questions....

Is the life of a writer as you imagined it to be?
When I first started writing and publishing over a decade ago, I had very different ideas about what being a writer was. Now, it is as I imagine it to be: a joyful struggle tempered by a will to succeed. I love writing and I love sharing what I have written with others.

What genre do you write and why?
I write in a variety of genres; the only genres I have yet to write in are romance and Westerns (though a Western is the works). I love to write fantasy and science fiction, though horror can be fun as I end scaring the daylights out of myself.

What inspires you the most?
People who do more than is expected of them, or what they are told they can achieve. Despite the content and endings of my novels, I like when there is a happy ending, though it has to be believable. Life has too many unhappy endings as it is, so I love to watch or read something that pushes the limits of the human experience and then believably overcomes the obstacles.

What kind of characters/ settings do you like?
I love any book as long as it is well written, though I do love fantasy and science fiction the most. Lost worlds and distant realms top my list of settings that I love. Characters who are not predictable or push the boundaries of an archetype are by far my favorite, with antiheroes and villains topping the list.

As a reader, what is your favorite genre? What is your least favorite and why?
Fantasy would have to be my favorite, though I adore historical fiction. Romance would be at the bottom. I never really got into them and I imagine I am not the target audience.

Have you ever suffered the dreaded writer's block? How do you deal with it?
I generally don't get it because I have so many books going at any particular time. If I reach a point in the book where I want to contemplate where it is going, then I simply jump to another novel I am writing.

What message would you like to give to your fans?
Support of indie authors makes this whole process so rewarding. Leave reviews and tell your friends, as indie authors need that word-of-mouth. Be sure to visit my on blog ( to stay up-to-date on what is going down with my publishing schedule.

Thank you and wish you all the best for your latest novel!

You can find information about Dan's other books here:
You can purchase his latest book, The path of the fallen here:
The kindle version can be purchased here:

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