Spanglish (English)

The nicest family movie I have ever seen.
This film tells all bout what it means to be a family and how it is like to be like your family. It also tells about parental love in a really really nice way. And tell us what it means to be your mother's child. Maybe it takes us back our mom's lap.

The whole story is said in a refreshing new way and it catches your attention at once. Also there is some fun and witty elements to the film that might make you laugh. 

Story Synopsis : Flor is a Spanish woman who comes to LA to raise her child - Cristina. But when her daughter is 12 she has to find a new job. She finally enters the foreign land of Americans and gets the job of a maid in the house of Claskys. The Claskys consist of 5 family members and a dog and Flor tries to fit in... Flor doesn't know English, but has to fit in the family.
Debroah Clasky seems a mad and disturbed woman where as her husband John, a top chef, is a very calm and refined man. Their kid Bernice is a bit fat and has to think of how to survive in a world full of people who only appreciate slim people, including her mom.
When Christina comes to contact with the Claskys during summer, and Debroah taking a liking to beautiful little Cristina, Flor doesn't know how to keep her child as her own child...
Is Christina slipping out of her hands?

Moreover when Flor and John finds themselves in similar shoes attraction begins. And then Debroh is having an affair...
But then at last, you can't afford to make mistakes when you have kids.

The film is all about families and bonds. It may bring a tear to your eye because of the beauty of all of it. The sacrifices and the right choices to be made by parents and the kids and what it means to be a parent and an individual at the same time, and how children must understand what they want clearly...
Somehow it all touches your soul. And when something touches your soul, you can't forget that thing so easily, can you?
My Rathings of this Movie : 9.5/10

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