The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (Japanese)
Monday, April 29, 2013
Well, you can't forget the film once you watch it. The story is thrilling and gripping. And even though the film is a science fiction, the romance element of the story is also really deep and heart touching.
The film is an animation, more like an anime, and is loosely based on a old book of the same name, but with different characters and situations.
All the aspects of the film are really well written and it keeps your interest. When we go to the end parts the film becomes so exciting that it will keep our hearts on the edge. The twists and turns in the story are well detailed and trilling. At the same time, the romance elements touch our heart, also breaks our heart.
My only problem with the film is it's ending which will make us sad and disappointed beyond limit. Also a bit irritated that that kind of an ending came up. But the ending is something that puts a beauty to this movie, in a sense. Also, the ending couldn't have been avoided too.
The story of the film is really good. Also the characters, and they way the characters' personality is formed and sort of things. We also will like the friendship of the three main leads a lot.
Also the film has a different sort of feel. A real kind of feel. But it touches our heart so well also. It kind of leaves an impression on us that never gets faded.
Story line :
Makoto is a 17 year old tomboyish girl. Her best friends are two boys - Kouske and Chiyaki. Makoto had known Kouske since a kid, and Chiyaki moved to their school recently.
Makoto, Kouske and Chiyaki really likes to play catch with baseball ball and gloves, and they do it everyday. They three are really close best friends.
Then comes July 13th. Even though television predicts that July 13th is a really supposed to be a NICE day, that day turns out to be full of disasters for Makoto. But that evening, she goes in to the science lab and finds a nut like looking metallic thing. She don't know what that is, but since she see someone coming in to the room, she trips and falls on the thing, and experience a weird feeling like falling through space.
Then that evening, while riding her bike down a road, she discovers that her bike's break is broken, and then a train hits her, and she is about to die...
Then suddenly she is back in time, and the train has never hit her.
This puzzles her.
When she tells her aunt about this, she tells her that it must have been a time leap. Makoto slowly discovers that she can make time leaps.
Then she starts to use it for all kind of stupidities, like to get extra time in Karaoke room, and to get the pudding her sister already finished, for judging base ball pitches and so on.
But then, one day when Kouske is in situations that he could get a girlfriend, while riding back home, Chiyaki ask Makoto if she will date him.
Makoto gets flustered and confused and she nullifies this by time leap. But again, the same happen, and Chiyaki ask her out again. She again nullifies it with time leap, and this goes on for a while.
But at last Makoto finds herself in situations where she has put herself and others around her in much more complicated and dangerous situations because of the time leaps.
More scaring thing is that, she discovers numbers on her hand, which indicates the number of times she can time leap, and what she thought was 10, was actually 01...
And then, Kouske is about to hit by train, instead of her while using her cycle. At the same time Chiyaki ask her on phone if she is doing time leaps. She accidently time leaps to avoid Chiyaki's question. Then realize that Kouske is about to gets hit by train...
She is desperately crying to avoid the situation...
But then, she finds that time has stopped. She looked around to find that everything has stopped.
What is going on...?
Then Chiyaki comes out and tell her the truth that he did time leap to save Kouske coz 'someone' was crying and he couldn't watch. He also tells that he came from future because he wanted to see a painting that gets destroyed in the future. Then he lost the device to time travel. And after that he didn't want to go back, because, hanging out with Makoto and Kouske was so much fun...
But now, he says he can't go back ever.More over, he tells Makoto that he will disappear before the next day. Because, people of past are not supposed to know about time travel. He broke that rule. So he will be punished and he will vanish. He tells this and goes away.
Makoto is heartbroken coz she is already in love with Chiyaki. Also, she hated the fact that Chiyaki disappeared .. She was the cause of that. He is same as dead. This puts her in major trauma.
But in the following days she discovers that when Chiyaki leapt time the last time, her last time leapt had nullified and she has one time leap left. She then time leaps to the beginning of the events where Chiyaki still has a time leap. Where he had not yet told her about the time leap. Where he still can go back to the past and avoid getting punished.

Before leaving Chiyaki tells Makoto that he will wait in future. She says 'I will come there, will run there'. And they separate.
Later when Kouske ask where is Chiyaki, Makoto tell him that he went to study abroad. And also that she has taken a decision about her future...
Although I found the ending a bit crappy, I like the film. Then again, I didn't fully understand the ending too. Exactly saying, Makoto's and Chiyaki's parting words' meaning. What does she mean by she will run to future and be there???
Well it's still a mystery to me.
But still, I like this film. And even the ending is sort of irritating, the film is really a worth watch. The excitement of the film nullifies the disappointing ending.