Vasari's Lives of the Artists
Monday, July 1, 2013
Dear Students,
Vasari was an Italian painter and historian - the first art historian. He traveled around Italy, collecting stories about all the most famous artists of the Renaissance, some of whom he actually met. Some of these stories are funny. Many of them bring the artists to life. These texts are very hard to translate, but I may use some later to discuss specific artists.
Here is Vasari's text online, The Lives of the Artists
Vasari was an Italian painter and historian - the first art historian. He traveled around Italy, collecting stories about all the most famous artists of the Renaissance, some of whom he actually met. Some of these stories are funny. Many of them bring the artists to life. These texts are very hard to translate, but I may use some later to discuss specific artists.
Here is Vasari's text online, The Lives of the Artists