Short trip to Ho Chi Minh - Day 2

Day 1 | Day 1 - Hotel | Day 2 | Day 3 & 4 | Day 5

Wake up in the middle of 5am morning. And I notice the sky is almost fully bright, but very fast a stormy rain start. I forget how it happen, I just continue my sleep.

Wake up again when my alarm clock ring. Took a photo of view from my room and then need to rush to work. (><)

The hotel is behind the famous post office. And is very near to the French Cathedral Notre Dame.

There is a lot of choice for breakfast but I am in a rush. So just a simple American style breakfast.

For lunch, my colleague bring me to a French restaurant at my request.
Another nice meal. (^___^)

Some history class, French colonize Vietnam for a long time. Unlike Malaysia that is colonize by the British. Lots of building left at Saigon have the French style of architecture. Also the normal meal that Vietnamese have is Baguette, or French Bread. You can see road side stall that looks like Malaysia Burger Ramly stall but they sell French Bread with local vege instead of salad and ham. I did not try any of it though....

The steak cut is a bit thin compare to usual Malaysia style. My colleague tell me this is because Vietnamese usually eat their steak 100% cooked. And not Medium Well like in Malaysia.
A thinner slice will ensure shorter cook time and the beef is cooked

The sauce is well prepared with a scent of herb and the beef is so juicy and tender. I do not have a hard time to eat or chew it.

Free dessert to go with the meal.

Day 1 | Day 1 - Hotel | Day 2 | Day 3 & 4 | Day 5

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