Short trip to Ho Chi Minh - Day 3 & 4

Day 1 | Day 1 - Hotel | Day 2 | Day 3 & 4 | Day 5

Day 3 & 4 is weekend and is my personal time.
I visited some local tourist agency and look for some 1 day tour.
There is 2 choice. The Cu Chi Tunnel and the Mekong river. Both is one day tour and will cost about USD 30 - 40.

Cu Chi Tunnel is a network of underground tunnel that is dug during the Vietnam war and play vital role in ensuring the victory for Viet Cong. I skip this location as I am afraid to see any remains of war. Especially in a place that the causalities of dead people is unknown but confirmed a large number.

Mekong river is the main source of economy in Vietnam. The farmer, fisherman rely on Mekong river for their source of income. Most Vietnamese used the river as a method of transportation.
The river also connect to the inner IndoChina. It sound nice but I have to pass on this as the weather during my visit is not that good. On both Thursday and Friday, rains heavily in the evening. Reports of typhoon hitting the Hanoi city too.

So in the end, I do not have much choice but to visit the HCM and spend most of my time in Sheraton Hotel Casino.

There is only one Starbucks Coffee in Vietnam. (I notice there is a new branch but the Starbuck Vietnam Facebook say that branch is still renovating. Not operating yet)

The colonial style building with a mix of more modernize style building.

The government palace.

The post office of Saigon. Use to be center of communication back when telegraph and letter is more common. And telephone or mobile phone is not invented yet.

French Cathedral of Notre Dame. I do not have any tourist guide to tell me the story or history of this building. But fromt he look, a lot of work is done to maintain the building as it is still standing after World War II and Vietnam War.

A great place to hold wedding. Dang ~ Dang ~ Dang Dang ~!!! 

Vietnam style Chinese word is so weird.......

Omg... I wonder how they differentiate which cable goes to where.

The food stall at Bent Tranh Market.

The Market is open 24 hours. So if you are tourist and won't sleep at night, you can consider hotel near this market to stay.

But take note though, the people in here is so used to tourist looking for bargain here.
They usually overcharged the tourist for cheap souvenir.
For example, you can find those 3D greeting cards here. And the seller try to sell to me for 180,000 Viet Dong for one card. I manage to purchase the same card for 20,000 dong at a road side peddler near my hotel.

Day 1 | Day 1 - Hotel | Day 2 | Day 3 & 4 | Day 5

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