National Novel Writing Month Annual Disappearing Act 2013

Hey guys. If you’ve been reading this blog for a few years you may be aware of this already but for those of you who have started reading more recently this may be news to you.

So November is upon us which means it’s once again National Novel Writing Month, which for most of you it likely won’t matter much. But for me and all the other would-be fiction writers out there I plan on taking the annual challenge of writing 50,000 words in a month. Two years ago I tried and failed to achieve this but last year I managed to finish it, despite great distraction from my personal life. This year is arguably way worse as far as shit in my life goes but I at least want to make the attempt.

So as far as Beta is Dead goes for the next few weeks I will likely be putting in on the back-burner as trying to write at least 1,600 words a day for a book and then writing articles for which I do not get paid for is a tricky thing and easily leads to burn out. That said I’m not officially on hiatus so if I have time and am feeling up to it I’ll try to get something up on Beta is Dead. However just remember that I’ve said that twice and in both instances I ended up not posting anything in November. (I'll also be upgrading the counter on the sidebar so in theory you can track progress that way as well)

I apologize for the inconvenience. I know that there aren’t many people who regularly visit this blog but I know you exist and I understand how frustrating it must be to have hardly gotten any blogs recetly only to be told “See you in a month”. I suggest following me, or otherwise keeping track of me, on twitter (@jasonbetamagnus) to keep up with the situation (I post links to new blogs on twitter) or maybe even to check out my progress in the challenge….or to curse at me for not doing the blog. It’s a free internet; I can’t force you not to troll me.

Anyway following November things should get back to normal. If the Battle of the Atom reviews aren’t done by then they WILL be done by the end of the year and I will likely be posting several movie reviews as well. I also watched an anime recently so, assuming I can get it together enough to work on it, there may be a new anime review some time in December. For now please bear with me.

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