日曜日の枚方 Sunday, July 13, 2014 枚方の五六市月に一回ある手作り市 天の川から淀川に流れ込む場所。スケッチ中、雨が降ってきました。 天の川は、その名の通り七夕伝説に由来する場所です。 Share this post Related PostsTour Diary - Day 11: Day Trip to Kyoto and OsakaMatch Report and Photo's: Game 2 versus Higashi Fukuoka High SchoolMeet Yasujiro Ozu in FukagawaSightseeing in the Maldives: The Maldives & Alcoholic DrinksMaldives Island Resorts: Ellaidhoo by Cinnamon Superior RoomTour Diary - Day 8: Bullet Train to Hiroshima Santa Goes to Children's Hospital to Visit With Children with Incurable Diseases CharityTour Diary- Day 13: Match Day versus Kwansei Gakuin High School