My Neighbors the Yamadas (1999)


My Neighbors the Yamadas (1999) Poster
The Up and Downs of Life

Japanese title: ホーホケキョとなりの山田くん
(Hōhokekyo Tonari no Yamada-kun)

Comments on Movie: My Neighbors the Yamadas (1999)
"Endearing, charming, funny and heartfelt tale that features a very unique animation style. It is a feel good story, but more than anything it is a slice of life and a reminder of why the little moments are what make life so great." - Bill Thompson, Bill's Movie Emporium.

"Infectiously funny, sweet and beautiful, My Neighbors the Yamadas is a beautiful love letter to family. Its simplicity and elegance make it all the more wonderful and profound." - James Ewing, Cinema Sights.

"The film takes its cue from the cartoon strip, having no central narrative and consisting instead of a series of wryly amusing observations about family life, organised into titled chapters that are summarised by Haiku poems from the likes of Bashō, Santōka or Buson." - Slarek, Cine Outsider.

"Despite the inclusion of a few genuinely compelling sequences, My Neighbors the Yamadas essentially comes off as a series of short films haphazardly jammed together, and it seems entirely probable that the movie would be best served by a viewing in separate installments." - David Nusair, Reel Film Reviews

"Impressive artwork. This beautiful pastel colored film full of family gag is never shy to depict the antics of the characters and the daily crisis of family lives." - Rosalyn Lim.

Anime Comedy Family Isao Takahata 2D Animation Animated Feature  

My Neighbors the Yamadas (1999) Trailer