FWS Top 10: The Most Important War Movies
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

3. GLORY (1989)
War is hell, and at times, the tactics of the day seem stupid to modern peoples. This is the truth of 1989's Glory. This is one of the first war films to demonstrate the hell of Civil War era combat and the tactics of the day to modern audiences with modern film-making. While interest in the Civil War never seems to wane, Glory would delivery the power of the Civil War to the masses. Glory would also shed some light on the then little known Black Union units, and the challenges of bring them into the fight. Glory would be packed with talents in front and behind the camera, making one of the greatest war movies ever committed to film, and move over, it stays with you. I can remember showing this film to my maternal Grandfather (whom I am named for), and despite being a study of history and lover of the Ken Burns' documentary on the Civil War, he walked out on this film, calling it inaccurate and stupid. That is the power of truth in film-making.
It is rare that a film is made during the events that it portrayals, and Zero Dark Thirty altered the conversation about elements involved in the War on Terror. The events that are seen in Zero Dark Thirty are subject of national conversations, nightly news, and heated online discussion. This made the job of the film just that much harder, and the cast and crew pulled it off. The scenes with the CIA torturing at those black sites sheds light on both sides of the argument for and against torture. In addition, it displayed Operation: NEPTUNE SPEAR in the right context and with honest realism. That portion of the film is some of the most intense combat sequences I've seen in many years. I feel that this film will only grow in importance to the next generations as a look at these crazy times in human history.
While tons of movies have been made about the 2nd World War and Vietnam, the event from October 3th and 4th, 1993 were forgotten by many American until the Newspaper series and book by Mark Bowden that fueled this 2001 Ridley Scott film. Honestly, the first time you see this modern war epic is an rare experience. My wife and I were on the edge of our seats and by the end, there were tears in our eyes. Black Hawk Down would masterfully cast light on this battle and the men involved, allowing for these heroes' efforts and valor to be honored by the world.In addition, Black Hawk Down is just one hell of a war film that inspirited new directions n film making and the more books and documentaries on the Battle of Mogdishu. On a personally note, Black Hawk Down would rekindle my interest in the military, leading to this blog and my book Endangered Species, along with paintball.
1987 would see the release of two of the most iconic Vietnam War era films: Platoon and this film shot by one of the greatest directors of the 20th century: Stanley Kubrick. Full Metal Jacket was in some ways the opposite of Platoon. Instead of the jungle and a platoon of core character, Full Metal Jacket followed Marines Joker and Cowboy from the Island to the Battle of Hue City during the Tet Offensive. While many remember the film for the hard-edged DI played expertly by former Marine DI R. Lee Ermey, the film is much more than some of the best uses of English profanity, it shows the strangeness of combat in Vietnam, and its unfairness. While many remember the basic training scenes, once the film moves to Vietnam, we see a different side of the experiences of the American soldier while in-county. This film is a surreal trip into this strange war with masterful direction and acting. It also address the duality of man’s view to war and killing.
7. DAS BOOT (1981)
Rare are films that depict the other side of a war, and even rarer are films about 3rd Reich Germany, and added to that, U-boat films. During both world wars, German submarines were were the assassins of the seas and their tactics of attacking shipping vessels would brand them cowards and dishonorable. In 1981, director Wolfgang Petersen would forge one of the great classics of war cinema about these assassins of the seas by adding a layer of humanity and reality to the World War II U-Boat commander and crew of U-96. Using accurate U-Boat interiors and realistic conditions with veteran consultants, Das Boot cast a harsh light into the world of submarine combat, no matter the nationality. The films breaks the idea that all serving members of the 3rd Reich military were Nazis, and the "glory" of service in a metal tube underwater. Das Boot is gripping in its filming of the struggles, the panic, and the boredom of the service of U-96.
In 1989, Oliver Stone would direct another Vietnam War film, and this time, it was more about the fight after leaving Vietnam War. This film tells the story of Ron Kovic, a dedicated Marine, and who willing signed up for service in Vietnam, and during his 2nd tour of duty, his world changed. In January of 1969, Kovic received an spinal cord injury from hostile gunfire, leaving him paralyzed. During his recovery, Kovic would see the sorry state of America’s care of Veterans, and he would soon be an advocate for veterans’ rights. Through his book and 1989 film, Kovic and Stone were able to bring attention to state of the VA in America and need for improved care for veterans. As a film, Born on the 4th of July would be considered Tom Cruise’s greatest performance and the other side of the coin of the more combat-centered Vietnam War films of this era.9. THE DAY AFTER (1983)
Many believed during the Cold War that the next big war would be the last one for our species. World War III was envisioned as beginning in mushroom clouds and ending in pillars of ashes and blasted shadows. In 1983, ABC network would create a stark TV mini-series on aftermath of a nuclear exchange between the US and the USSR. This film would be released at difficult point in US/Soviet relations, and its airing would alter national foreign policy. The Day Aftertells the story of the horror of nuclear war via two Midwestern American cities and survivors of the apocalypse. This film scared the utter shit out of me and unlike the zombie apocalypse, nuclear war is still all too real. No more was this more true when I was seven years old when The Day After was aired. The mere thought of a nuclear exchange between the Superpowers would spell the end of the world as we know it, and an altering of human civilization that we would never come back from. 100 million would watch The Day After, and the American public would achieve a collective clarity on the policies of nuclear arms, resulting new international nuclear arms policies on limitation. After President Reagan watched the mini-series, he understood that his own administration’s nuclear arms policy would have to be changed due to the lack of national will. The public had been education on what could happen if our bombs outgrew our words, and a war was fought in mere minutes.
10. M*A*S*H (1970)
This is an unusual choice, and a personal one. M*A*S*H was the only war movie that my paternal Grandfather ever saw. My Grandfather was a full-bird Colonel, who served in World War II (Pacific) and the Korean War as an infantry commander, and had zero desire to see a “war film”. However, he did see M*A*S*H. and loved it. To him, the film was darkly funny, especially to those veterans of Korea. M*A*S*H came at low point in the popularity of war films, given the Vietnam War, however, M*A*S*H became a hit, and fueled a TV series on NBC that would outlast the real Korean War by several years. M*A*S*H is an important war film for bucking the trend of thinly veiled propaganda war movie along with adding some realism to war films and the unique culture that is created by soldiers away from home. It would also give rise to the longest running military television drama of all time. Lastly, M*A*S*Halso was a different kind of war film that did not deal directly with the combat or the infantry, but the medical side of a combat zone.