Big Hero 6 Review

A perfect example of a Super-Hero film filled with visual beauty

There's no question that ever since Marvel was bought from Disney back in 2009, we would undoubtedly see an animation that was inspired by a Marvel comic/story. A lot of people including my-self, were pondering and hesitant over whether Disney would just animate a character/storyline that we had previously seen on the big screen like Iron-man, Captain America etc. Thankfully, Disney through the success and inspiration from other Animations in recent years such as Tangled and Frozen, have come up with a piece of art that although is an adaptation, it's a piece that funnily enough feels very original with it's beautiful in-depth animation and likeable characters. Big Hero 6 in this modern day and age, manages to champion most superhero films that falter in performance but do well when it comes to the box-office.

The film is set in the beautifully detailed city of San Fransokyo, a sought of portmanteau of Tokyo and San Francisco, and basis the story around Hiro Hamada, a teenage technological prodigy who seems to be unable to use his intellect for anything more than trying to enter illegal, back-alley bot-fights. His older brother, Tadashi, wishes to change Hiro's mind and tricks his brother into joining the San Fransokyo institute of technology so that he can use his techy brains for better purposes. Without spoiling the major plot points of the feature, various things happen, and Hiro finds himself in the possession of Baymax; a Iron-giant/ marsh-mellow-man esque inflatable health companion who's main purpose is to help and care for others. With the 'help' of a now armoured-up Baymax, Hiro and his friends of Gogo, Wasabi, Honey Lemon and... Fred must face up to this Kabuki-masked mad man who has this personal vendetta.

Now since this is an animation, I think's it's necessary to talk about.. well the animation and for me, Big Hero 6 in terms of it's attention to detail, is probably one of the best visually to look at. Throughout watching Big Hero 6, at times I just wanted a T.V clicker so I could pause and admire each fine detail that this film has to offer.
San Fransokyo - Probably one of the most detailed place in any animation..
It just shows how Disney in recent years have really improved in the animation front, especially since they've done different sought's of stories in Wreck-it Ralph, Tangled and Frozen. The opening visual establishing shot of San Fransokyo right at the start of the film is just a perfect example of why not only Disney have improved in terms of detail, but why you should watch this film.

In terms of the characters of Big Hero 6, I am a bit mixed on them to be honest. The good side about the characters are that each individual main character has their own personalities and traits which for a super-hero film, is a rarity to see. Usually when it comes to the average Super-hero film, most of the characters within the narrative are generally bland and can be the same old cliché good-guy. With Big Hero 6, the difference of personalities within the characters is really refreshing to see such as with Fred you're going to expect him to be nerdy and outlandish whilst Honey Lemon is the definition of the geeky science girl who's heavily interested in using different chemicals to create something. Out of all the characters that stole the show as it were, it has to be the lovable Baymax. Although he is the character that provides the majority the comic-relief, there are sweet and touching moments especially with his 'brother' Hiro which equals to this films theme of friendship and brotherhood. Even though it's a minor gag, my personal favourite Baymax moment has to be when he's stroking Hiro's cat and murmuring to himself "Hairy BABY!". Without a doubt, Baymax in Disney animation history, will go down as one of the more loveable characters and it's probably not the last time we see this loveable marsh-mellow esque bot.Emotionally, the film captures the audience by showcasing the bond of brotherhood between Hiro and his older brother Tadashi, as well as his friend Baymax who is like a Surrogate brother to our main hero.
A strong lesson in this film, is that family can be more than blood related, you have friends, who become part of that. The only criticism I have in terms of the characters is probably the screen time each character has. Granted, this is an animation and usually they do last 90 minutes, but I would of like to have seen more of Hiro's friends especially. Even though I know it's slightly different but The Avengers Assembled is probably only the Super-hero film that perfectly balances the appearance times of all the main characters. With Big Hero 6, this unfortunately doesn't happen and would of been a slightly better film if they did this.

What is the most important thing however about this film is that it doesn't take itself too seriously; it's a film that enjoys itself and put's itself out there. Unlike some of the more recent Super-hero film where they do take themselves too seriously and always now go for the more darker storyline, whilst Big Hero 6 does have a dark moment near towards the start, it's a film that is certainly refreshing to see and is all round a happy vibrant film. Probably the only Super-hero film that I have watched in recent years where it doesn't take it-self too seriously and tends to be something that is entertaining and light-sided would probably be The Avengers which was released 3 years ago now.

Whilst many Super-hero films fall flat on their face with bland characters that get old and repetitive and story-lines which are obvious and boring, Big Hero 6 which funnily has these traits, uses these aspects to create something that is fun, entertaining and more importantly, refreshing to watch. With it's visual beauty and characters that everyone can connect with, this new Disney work of art will without question, rank it-self near the top with the other Disney classics and will be a film that is re-watchable.. not because of the amusing Baymax, but because this film overall is just fun. As always thank you guys for reading my review of Big Hero 6. If you do have thoughts and opinions on my review or the film, please feel free to comment down below.

Thank you for reading.

Alex Rabbitte - 7.5/10

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