Begin Again Review
Thursday, April 9, 2015
A feel-good flick that doesn't over do it..
Now normally when it comes to me watching a film that I like and don't like, the films that focus all their attention on trying to make the the viewer 'feel-good' and 'find themselves' with the films narrative is something that for me, is cheesy. Now since I use Netflix and the film that I will be reviewing, Begin Again, is a recent addition into Netflix, I thought I'd open my mind and just watch it. My initial first impressions when looking at the poster of this film, like the one above, were that it was going to have a predictable narrative that you could predict within the first 5 minutes of watching it and that it will constantly have moments where it'll try to express specific scenes in a 'feel-good' manner. After watching the entirety of the feature and you are reading this, I can safely say that my first impressions of it being predictable and cheesy are completely wrong, making me look like a muppet. Begin Again is a simple, heartfelt story that is enjoyable and easy to watch. Even though it does have does moments where it's attracting the audience to become happy and smiley, it doesn't take itself to seriously and doesn't over do it with the cheese that could of been in this film. The performances of both Keira Knightley and Mark Ruffalo are played in a manner that again, doesn't over do it; the chemistry of both the characters jell really well and spark off a good drama/ fairy-tale story.
Not sure what to think about Corden - what about yourself? |
At least one applause should go towards the opening 30 minutes of this film. While I know having non-linear storytelling and showing the story through different perspectives is something that most people find boring and repetitive, in the case of this film, it uses the non-linear storytelling aesthetic rather smartly and effectively. So at the beginning, we see the first song that Gretta performs at this club and when the song ends, it suddenly cuts to Ruffalo's character staring and being inspired by what Gretta has done. We then revisit that as time loops round to an earlier time when we come back to Ruffalo's perspective of seeing the song again and as he's hearing it, he hears the 'orchestration' and starts to have all these ideas of what the song Gretta is playing, could turn into. What I like the most out of that seen is the way Dan is imagining how Gretta's song could turn into. Carney's clever way of showing the instruments like the piano and the violin play by themselves was something that was imaginative and innovative and in a way, kind of echoes as to what music producers think like. sweeping a side the first 30 minutes now, one of the main central elements that Begin Again is that there's a fairy-tale element to it which is that Ruffalo is the washed up record producer who essentially wants to get his claws at Gretta's musical talent because he thinks I can make her into a new star and that through this newly recognition, he can happily go back to his family of his wife and daughter. But, as a matter of fact, what Gretta wants is that she doesn't want to have the stardom, what she wants is all the stereotypical Indie credentials of recording her songs in a hypie-ish way and not being interested in the record business and not being interested in being sold to some pre package product. The film therefore than is metaphorically speaking out against the music industry and how even though it's corrupt, it's a hard business to be successful in and a scene which demonstrates this perfectly is the moment when Dan is being fired by the record company and say's 'well I'm taking my painting' and attempts to take his overly-sized flamboyant painting off the wall which again for me shows how the music industry is to be honest, just ridiculous.
The only downside I have with this film is the music. While I thought the Adam Levine's song of 'Lost Stars' is reasonably good and deserved it's nomination at the Oscars for Best song, the other musical pieces I feel are a hit and miss. While others may like the music, there will be a large half that will say it's not their taste due to the fact that it is quite Indie. Having said that however, for the first time with a film that doesn't over do it with the 'feel-good' themes and elements, I did fully enjoy watching it. If you do want to watch it, it has actually just recently surfaced onto Netlfix which is one of the reasons why I did this review, it's fairly a simple enjoyable watch and the characters of the story, hold everything together. As always if you have read the entirety of my review and have made it up to this point, firstly, a big high-five to YOU and secondly, feel free to drop your opinions or thoughts down in the comments section down below. Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon! :)
Alex Rabbitte.
Oscar Nominated song 'Lost Stars'