Less than three months until departure

We continue to make preparations for our departure August 11, 2015. 

Bought one way airline tickets recently. We fly through Taipei, Taiwan then to Kansai International Airport. We will leave August 11 and arrive August 13th. The kids will have more stamps in their passports at ages 10 & 13 than I had at 28. Makes a definite impression when you actually write a departure date on your calendar.

I received my ACSI Educator Certificate yesterday so I am now credentialed to teach Secondary English at KCS. I have been working with staff at KCS to select grammar text books and the Great Gatsby as our first novel in the fall.

We had a few leads from neighbors and friends regarding potential renters. Met with a couple last week and it looks like they will rent our house for the next year.

Missionary cards and Christmas letters went out last week updating family and friends about what we are doing and our move to Japan in August. 


Reality continues to set in as we wrap up the school year and work. I do better when I do not think about what we are leaving but what we are being called to in Japan. We Skyped with several staff at Bethany International last Friday and I was very inspired and encouraged to hear about the organization. 

They helped to cast a vision about what we are being called to in Japan and specifically at KCS. They also gave us a better understanding of the spiritual climate and significant need in Japan. Apparently a large church in Japan consists of 20 to 30 people. Hard to believe when you consider the millions of people in the country. 

When I am reminded it is God who has called us to this adventure I get excited and the excitement carries me through all the details that need to be addressed before we actually get on the plane.

I continue to camp out on 2 Thessalonians 5:24 "He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it."  

Grateful for His grace and faithfulness,

K. Chadduck

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