The Kakashi (Scarecrow) Contest in 2015

Komachi scarecrow
The 18th annual Kakashi (Scarecrow) contest sponsored by the association of local storekeepers was held during September 1 - 23. We reported this event, which only “those who in the know” knew about, on our blog last year, but let us write about this year’s contest again so that it may become a little more popular next year.

About 160 “decorative” scarecrows were displayed along both sides of “Fukagawa-museum” street in Kiyosumi-shirakawa, Koto-city, where contemporary art galleries and newly-emerging coffee shops have attracted more people recently and which still retains an atmosphere of Shitamachi - the old working class section.

Doraemon scarecrow
All scarecrows were made elaborately with participants' hard work, standing at intervals of about 3 - 5 meters for as long as 900 meters down the street. Visitors enjoyed the atmosphere of this open-air gallery, while having a walk in the town.
Minions scarecrow

Here is the one that received the Koto-city mayor’s award. The model is the heroine of NHK’s morning drama, “Mare.”
Mare scarecrow

You can take part in this contest without any entry fee, and if you are not confident about making a scarecrow from scratch, there are free frameworks prepared for kakashiavailable for you to build on.

This contest could be another institution around here next year, so why not think of entering your work!     by M.M

Autumn is the best season to visit Japan.
Would you like to visit koto city and enjoy scarecrow contest ? 
If so, please join our free walking tours!

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