Nissin Cup Noodle Vegeta Tonkotsu = More Veggies!

Last year I reviewed the Cup Noodle Vegeta with the Dragonball Z tie-in and I liked it quite a bit.  Well, it looks like they brought the veggie part back for another limited run with a tasty Tonkotsu (pork broth) and chunks of their dehydrated ground pork this year instead of the bacon.

The cup is very yellow with big bold print in bright colors and black for contrast against that very yellow background.  This cup of noodles is going to stand out on a shelf and ask you to buy it and eat it.  Best of all, its says you have 1/3 of your daily veggies in this cup of noodle (120 grams rehydrated).
It's very yellow!  You can see the 1/3 veggies on the lid of the cup.
Ingredients and product info on the back.
Popping open the lid you can see the heaping pile of dehydrated vegetables on top that is a little different from the last vegeta.  I love the amount of veggies here!  Best of all, no poorly rehydrated peas here!  The veggies consist of cabbage, carrots, corn, green onin and fried garlic.  The most plentiful veggie is cabbage, but cabbage is good for you :)  There are also pieces of pork and egg mixed in.
Loads of toppings for the noodles.  Yum.
Add boiling water up to the fill line and wait 3 minutes.
The noodles look great re-hydrated with delicious looking vegetables on top.
The soup was thicker than in their regular cup noodle, but not as thick as their curry noodle cups.  The broth was quite satisfying with a nice soy / pork flavour and a heavy hit of the cabbage.  The noodles were their regular cup noodle noodles - nothing unusual here.  All in all, it was very tasty, with a nice amount of veggies that packed in.


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