One of the strict rule / Deadly poisons in spiritual businesses / God and evil

The truth is free of charge like air.

Spiritual businesses are strictly forbidden in God's rule.
Spiritual healing,fortune-telling and reiki,,,and so on are not good at all.
Stop these right now.
Even if they don't accept fee sometimes,these style of works are really dangerous.
Because these businesses's background is evil world. 
It is not an exaggeration.
These spiritual workers are controlled by evil into unconsciousness.
Some people may think it is not a problem if suffering person is helped by spiritual healers.
But it is the biggest problem too.

You need whole spiritual knowledge to understand that.
Yesterday,I explained about inner nature god in human body.(Ubusuna and Ujigami)
While a viable fetus is growing in a womb ,local area's nature god enters into the baby's body.
The difficult union process causes mother's morning sickness.

Hard morning sickness = baby has higher level of original soul than mom
Light morning sickness or no sickness =baby and mom have similar level of soul or baby has lower level than mom
(All people have quite different levels of original soul)

We were not able to be born without local nature during mother's pregnancy.
In Japan,we call it inner god or conscience.
Inner god has universal warms like the Sun.
It is a ultra spiritual amulet in your body.
Your soul are always protected by the inner amulet.
But the sunshine depends on you. 
Some people conceal the Sun with cloud of EGO/Evil in heart.

We don't need spiritual help from others.
If you take these,it can be like a mistake blood translation.
Your original beautiful power will be ruined.

①Spiritual body healing or Reiki 
You may feel good once but you will get other place's pain later.
You have to continue these treatments forever with expensive fee.
You definitely lose your health and money as a result.

You will be a robot.You have to ask them forever.
Sometimes,strong fortune-teller gives deliberate misfortune events to us to create next customer.
Spiritual counselor stir up trouble in order to gain the credit for solving it.
Even if you gain a comfortable answer,you will be ruined gradually.

Evils want to ruin human's spiritual success.
(Spiritual success = to realize inner god)
So,evil world use stupid people as subordinates.
Spiritual workers are subordinates under evil world.
The most effective way to ruin people is human robotization.
Robot needs only commands from others.

New religions are also quite dangerous.(100%)
Although they say 99% beautiful things to attract people,
the last 1% is a determinant fault.
These groups are gate of evil world.
Be careful.

To begin with,bad events in life are always made by self.
If you are lost in life,ask your parents,family or friends because they know you well.
Don't ask fortune-teller.Never.
Your fortune and future are always your result of past time.(Including your many past lives)

You are already with god.
You can choose god side or evil side.

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