Birthday / The universe / Given body and life

photo by photolibrary 
Birthday is beautiful and it is the day to devote gratitude heart to our parents and ancestors.
Not for a day for self.
We owe our body to our parents and all ancestors.
And this physical body-experience is only during in the Earth.
In other word,we don't have physical body in spiritual another world.
Your original is invisible spirit.
Only in the Earth,we have own visible body.

Human whole life cycle
2,Visible life term in the world (The Earth term)
3,Death and 49 days of Bardo term (Recalling time = What you did to others)
4,People are strictly classified by their own conscience level in another world
5,People have to stay in own heart level until next birth

We are able to meet variety levels of people only in the Earth.
In another world,we can't see different spiritual levels of people.
Kindness people are living in peace in same level of another world.(kind of heaven)
Dirty people are killing each other in same level of another world.(kind of hell)
In addition,there are so many levels in heaven and hell.
Higher heaven to lower heaven. Middle between heaven and hell.Higher hell to lower hell.

This re-birth system is endless unless you ruin own Karma and EGO fully.
After we control own Karma and EGO,we are able to get out of the re-birth cycle.
So,all people in the Earth still have Karma and EGO more or less.
If you ruin self Karma and EGO fully,you enter into human common consciousness.
Until now,there were only 19 people who had achieved that.

Our Earth term is very very shorter than our main spiritual journey in the another world.
And re-birth chance depends on your spiritual budget.
(Spiritual budget = what you have done in many past lives in the Earth.)
We are able to save the budget only during in the Earth terms.(in many repeated past rebirths)
High amount of Kindness or mercy = Get re-birth with good conditions(parents,body,face,nation).

We have our body because we wanted to challenge in the Earth to remove Karma and EGO.
We can't do spiritual training in another world.Training is only in the Earth.
Parents gave us body.Our grandparents also gave our parents body.
All ancestors did that with struggling.
All ancestors gave foods their child everyday in any severe situations.
We have to think about it.Their work was not easy.
Your body was totally given by your parents and all your ancestors.

And don't forget about local nature gods.
To begin with,we were born with nature god.
Before you are born,there was an inspection to re-birth.
The inspection was done by local nature god.
Some people can't pass the test because they don't have enough spiritual budget.
Your re-birth was allowed by local nature god.
When your mother was pregnant,especially in morning sick term,separated partial nature god entered into you.
Because you were allowed to be born.
The nature god's portion is our body's battery.We can't move without it.
The portion of nature god is always staying in your body.(ping-pong ball size)
Nature gods and your parents are great life-providers more than you think.
Just cherish them.
We were not able to be born without them.
Some people think that their body and life are own self thing.
Our body and life are totally given by others.Because you wanted to be born.

Prime God is connected to all of them.
If you cherish/respect them from the bottom of the heart,you will be a good human.
The attitudes makes you rich.(Money luck,health,life satisfaction depend on the attitude)
Meanwhile,if you don't cherish/respect them,you can't understand about GOD forever even if you are a high priest.
By the way,God of the Universe is called Amenominakanushi in Japan.
It is same as yahweh of Judaism.
Star of David means the Polaris star.Because it is the center of the Universe.
All traditional religions are not separated each other.
Especially,Japanese Shinto and Judaism are one.
There is the prime God above the God of the Universe.
The God has perfect motherhood and fatherhood both.
But it has no particular character.
It has only the deepest love.

Horoscope and astrology are fully meaningless because the universe is always growing up.
Don't believe these fake-fortune-telling information.
But your birthday's time has sacred meaning.
When you were born, the universe situation is transcribed in your brain at that time.
So,your brain is always connected with the space-universe.
I mean you have space world in your head.
Also,your thinking always affect the universe and the world.
Let's think about good things.
It makes our world nice.

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