Kojiki ① / Japanese basic mythology / Izanagi and Izanami / The first husband and Wife

Kojiki is not only Japanese historical books but also a genesis.
I'll introduce the story briefly.
Image of gods are showed by human shape,but it is just a metaphor.
In Shinto,gods are nature,earth,land,sun,and own ancestors.

Please enjoy feeling Japanese ancient truth.
Important things are written in thick letters.


At the beginning of this universe,
Amenominaka-nushi,Takamimusubi and Kamimusubi appeared suddenly in order.
They are known as three pillar gods.
(God is treated as a pillar in Japan)
Some other gods appeared and disappeared.

In those days,ground/land was unstable to live.
It was floating oil on water.

Izanagi(man) and Izanami(woman) appeared.
They were ordered to make stable land with a long halberd sword.
The sword is called Amenonuboko.
The sword means male genitalia.
After they had mixed sea water,some dropped water from the sword made
 the first island Onogoro-shima.
It is said that Onokoro-shima is current Awaji-shima island in Hyogo prefecture.
Izanagi and Izanami is worshipped at this Onokoro-Jinjya shrine.
The red torii is one of the biggest gate in Japan.

Izanagi and Izanami landed in the island.
Then,they built one big pillar and palace.

Izanagi said,
"How is your body formed? I have extra part."
Izanami said,"I have lacked part."

Izanagi said again,
"We are both not perfect each other.
Let's make more islands in close cooperation."
Izanami nodded in agreement.

They walked  around the big pillar to meet again.

Izanami said,
"You are really good man."
Izanagi said
"You are really beautiful woman."
They became the first couple in the world.

By the way,Izanami and Izanami are same as Adam and Eve.
All ancient myth or stories in the world have conformity.

Kojiki series →,,,,

Photos by wikipedia

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