Izanagi & Izanami / Husband and Wife / Yin & Yang

They are Japanese Gods called Izanagi and Izanami.
They are parents of Amaterasu,Tsukuyomi,Susanoo.

He is making Japanese islands by a sacred sword.↑
(He is mixing sea water)

Izanagi = Father = Man = Adam(אָדָם) = Yang = Japan = Japanese/Worship power
Izanami = Mother = Woman = Eve(חַוָּה) = Yin =  Israel = Jewish(Hebrews)/Economic power

 Man plus Woman = Child/Children = Evolution

By the way,Yin and Yang is not Chinese original concept.
It was the re-importation.
(Occurred in Japan → Concept was developed in China → Japan again)


According to Isehakusando(The master of Zen and Shinto),
the first starting point of Japan is Hakusan(Mount Haku).
And the first humans(Izanagi and Izanami) were created around Lake Biwa.

The newest research has not been reached those information.
According to the latest information,
the origin of human is China area not Africa.
But eventually,world scholars will find out that human origin is Japan.

In other words,
Izanagi was the origin of Japanese. 
Izanami was the origin of Jewish.
(YAP gene is a keyword. Japanese is a most oldest blood in the whole world.)

Their descendant dispersed all over the world.
And they caused many human races.

Moses and his followers escaped from Egypt and reached to Japan.
Detail about Moses history in Japan

Moses died on his way back to home.
He died around Mount Houdatsu in Ishikawa prefecture
He was 120 years old or more.
Detail about Moses history in Japan
But Moses promised that here is the Canaan.
Canaan is in Ishikawa prefecture.
It is very water-full,green-full and fertile land for agriculture and 

Kanan is a local nickname of KAGA-NANBU area.
KAGA means a part of Ishikawa prefecture.
NANBU means southern part of region.
Kanan = Canaan

Japanese and Jewish(Hebrews) look like opposite atmosphere like man and woman.
Japanese people have never worried about self country to live,
but Jewish have been worrying about self country.
So Jewish always need enough money to live in other countries.
But there is one commonality between us.
It is "Richness made by big sacrifices".

They experienced historic disasters of Genocides like the atomic bombs in Nagasaki-Hiroshima and the holocaust.
Public innocent people were killed.
And there are other false charges/sin in long history.
Of course sad disasters were not welcome at all,
but we were able to get power and money instead of sacrifices.

For example,if US didn't attack Japan with atomic bombs,
Japan was ruined by other neighboring countries after wars. Definitely.
But US was strong enough to protect and govern Japan after wars.
US protected Japan because they knew secrets about Japanese Emperor.

That's why Japan became richest country in the world.
People in economic business know that Japan has the biggest net assets.
Japan has no national loan/dept from other countries.It is very rare case.
On the contrary,Japan is always giving extra money to other countries or UN.
Top country in donation.

Hard time makes good thing instead of sacrifice.
You get salary instead of work.

Also,Japanese and Jewish have been suffering from fake people.
For example,there are fake Japanese people and anti-Japan groups.
And they do anti-Japan activities for money.
Or they do bad things pretending as Japanese.
The same thing can be said in Jewish society.
All for money business.

"If Jewish people remember true worship and emigrate from Israel to Japan,
all wars will end. They will start agriculture in the promised water-full land.
It means perfect peace of the world."
This is God's will.Because East of Eden is Japan.

Actually,Jewish tourists are very very increasing in Japan.
My Brazilian-Jewish friend already know about Japan's secret I know.
Not only Jewish people but also other Japan-lovers have to live in Japan.
Japan is Noah's Ark.

Please embark to Japan as fast as you can.
Because it is the 7th trial of human.This is the last chance for human.

If you can not embark to the ship of Japan,
Please pray for your country and cherish conscience of people in your country.
It works.It will help your country's future.

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