Japanese prime week OBON / BON DANCE / Ancestors

OBON festival week is one of the most important event in the middle of August.
New year season and OBON are our vacation season.
Japanese people visit their ancestor's grave and dedicate thanks with incense's smoke.
We also dedicate flowers,sweets and some drinks.

Why do we do the ceremony in the middle of August?
To tell the truth,an another world's gate is opening during the OBON week.
It derived from Mu lost continent's ruin in the August.
Mu is not legend.
I am going to explain about it tomorrow.

Many ancestor's spirits come back temporary to enjoy this real world.
OBON is a spiritual week of Japan.
Many mysterious things happen in this week. 
Some people can see their ancestor's spirits and voice.

Of course,we always dedicate thankful heart everyday in front of a BUTSUDAN with incense smoke.

My BUTSUDAN table.

BUTSUDAN is a healing place for ancestors in our home.
This is really effective way to save poor ancestors.
There are some suffering ancestors in your countless ancestors.

BUTSUDAN is Japanese secret daily-routine work.
BUTSUDAN = Visiting ancestor's grave day after day.
Normally,only one person ancestor can visit to take an incense smoke.
One by one/day by day

Routine BUTSUDAN care is more important than visiting grave in August.
Because some our ancestors can't come back during the OBON because of their bad situation.
In our home grave BUTSUDAN,poor ancestors and other our relatives are allowed to visit and take
our kindness heart.
Suffering ancestors are saved by only their descendants who has same DNA.
Other people can't save them.
This is a kind of spiritual system.

OBON is known as a Buddhism event,but it is not true.
Even Japanese people think it as a Buddhism event.
Buddhism is quite new religion that came from other country in Japanese whole history.
Japanese people had been keeping SHINTO.
SHINTO's main concepts are nature worship(especially the Sun)
and ancestor worship.

Buddhism's teachings are our great textbook.
But Japanese national worship is SHINTO.

Tokyo's BON DANCE.

My homeland Hokkaido's BON DANCE↑
How beautiful!

Japanese people dance in summer OBON festival.
This dance means welcome and dedication for ancestors.
I think BON DANCE music sounds like ancient peru's music.
They also had the Sun worship like Japanese people.

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