Kojiki ④ / Japanese basic mythology / Izanagi and Izanami

Kojiki is Japanese most important mythology.
Japanese all cultural things were derived from this story.

Although Izanagi(husband god) got rid of scary monsters,Izanami(wife god) came after by herself at last.
Izanagi blocked the road with big rock and said 
"We have to get a divorce."

Izanami said 
"My darling,if you do such a thing I will kill 1,000 people in your country a day."
(Your country means this world.Her country is another death world called YOMI)
Izanagi said
"My sweet heart,If so I will let people born 1,500 children a day."
Their divorce was finalized.

By the way that big rock is called Saraimasu-yomidono-ookami.
This rock is also sacred god of barrier.
In Japanese Shinto,all substances have divinity or sanctity.
Because all things came from mother earth and nature.
Also Yorishiro phenomenon is Shinto's basic concept.
Divinity is staying in all objects.


After that, Izanagi returned to this world.
He had to wash his whole body because another death world was dirty.
He washed whole body in this pond.
This sacred pond is called Misogi-Ike.(Miyazaki city,Miyazaki prefecture)
Misogi means purifying.It is Japanese important concept.

In Izanagi's purifying action,
12 gods were created from his removed clothing,cane,accessories and so on.
Countless other gods were also made by his dirt,stain and spray of water.

After that,three important gods were created.
When Izanagi washed his left eye,Amaterasu-Ohomikami was created.
Tsukuyomi came from right eye.
Susanoo came from nose.

Amaterasu-Ohomikami is Japanese chief God of the sun.

Tsukuyomi is God of the moon and night.
Susanoo is God of the sea and land.
It is said that Tsukuyomi's description is too few in Kojiki,
but it is not a mystery.
Tsukuyomi and Susanoo is same god like a two-faced coin.

Susanoo is kind of human shape god.
He can move freely in both worlds.(This real world and another death world)
If he stays in this world,he is called Susanoo.
If he stays in another world,he is called Tsukuyomi.
His name is changed by his activity base.
We human are also repeating samsara.
(This world - death - Another world  - reborn in this word -...)
Your current name will be not used in another world.

Eda jinjya's gate.
Eda jinjya is located near the Misogi pond.

Worship place of Eda jinjya.
Of course Izanagi is worshiped in this shrine.

Kojiki series → ,,,,

          photo by 公益財団法人みやざき観光コンベンション協会 and photolibrary          

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