Save your ancestors / True incense ritual / Senzo-Kuyou

Your spirit never die.
So,your ancestors are still living in another spiritual world.
The another world has so many stages or levels because 
people have to go to own level stage after death.
The level means heart's level.(Conscience level)
Good people can go to good level without any sadness.
In this material, visible world of the Earth,all people are living in same flat level,
but you can't meet other heart level's people in another world.
Another world's rule is far stricter than this Earth world.
Please keep it in your mind.

An important thing is about ancestors in not good levels.
We have countless ancestors in another world and 
they are not living in the same place.
Some are in near heaven,some are in middle.
But we have ancestors who are in bad lower levels.(Hell)
This is not an insult to our ancestors.
Many dead people are regretting their own ego that they did in living time.
Of course,suicide people never go to heaven.

You need to know the real situation about invisible spiritual world.

Your life's fortune and good future are created by your own efforts.(80/100%)
But your ancestors are always watching and helping you and your descendants secretly.(20/100%)
Please think 20% is an important guard or protection by your ancestors.

20% depend on your number of ancestors who are in peace.
If you have many sad ancestors,they can't guard you so strong.


Some Japanese know true way of ancestor worship.It is called Senzo-Kuyou.
Senzo means ancestors / Kuyou means worship,healing,memorial service
Visiting ancestor's grave is not so effective to help their heart in spiritual point of view.
Because this visible world and their invisible world(another world) are too different.
We have to use specific item to respect,help and heal them.

The specific item is incense.
Incense's smoke helps your ancestors to go up.
Your ancestors are relieved from fixed hard situation.

If you do the true ancestor worship,you are seen as one big lighthouse in dark stormy sea.
You are the hero.
This ritual is only one chance for ancestors who are in sad levels.
Because ancestors in hard situation need to wait for a long time to be born again.
(To change self situation)

I bought a new incense box at Japanese super market in Manhattan.

I sometimes buy this brand at Rite Aid Pharmacy because I need long incenses in some anniversary.(Death anniversary of some ancestors,The vernal and autumn equinoctial week,Summer solstice and Winter solstice,OBON week for ancestors and so on.)
Long sticks are very ideal for ancestor worship.
If you are living in Japan,you can buy Japanese long incenses on net.
Long incense is called Chousun-Senkou.(Amazon Japan)

Of course you can use only long incense for ancestor ritual every day.
But it costs money.
So,many people use middle length incenses as daily use.
Don't use short length(less than about 15cm) incenses in ancestor ritual.
Middle or long only.
Short length incense is good for pets,poor ghosts,or land's problems.

If you have an allergy to smell of incense,
there is a natural incense in Japan.
Kusunoki-Senkou contains no chemical additives.

This incense was too bad.
It smells like a fire accident not an incense.
Don't buy this box.

Your favorite smell is good for your ancestor ritual.
Because your relaxed feeling and gratitude condition makes the ritual better.

In incense rituals,you need to prepare "Yorishiro" to avoid possessing by extra ghosts who want a mercy ritual.
Yorishiro means a specific place for a specific someone.
Please read my instruction again and again.
Don't do spiritual incense rituals without Yorishiro.
You have to write your family/sur name on Yorishiro.
You can buy it at Japanese book store.

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