20% / Help from ancestors / Feel the power

We have been protected by our dead ancestors.
Countless dead ancestors are looking at you now.
Some peaceful ancestors are always helping you.
Despite their help,many people don't think about their hidden power.
Spiritual life guardians or higher self are your ancestors. 
Not an angels or something.

Mother earth - Nature God - Human born - Countless ancestors - Your parents - You
This one stream is very important.

If you don't cherish your parents and ancestors(direct roots of you),
you can't make you happy forever.

Your main happiness and fortune of life is created by your practical efforts (0%-80%)
But the last 20% is given by your ancestors.(0%-20%)
This is hidden power.
But the 30% is depends on your ancestors situation in another world.
So some people can not take the favor fully.

This illustration is easy to understand about another world.
After death,all human spirits are sorted by their level of conscience heart and their whole life videos.
Detail about the video → Bardo/Just after death  10 regrets after death

Gravity decides the destination.
So we have various classified ancestors.
Some people are in heaven or near heaven classes.
They can help us because they are not suffered now.

But some people are in hell or near hell classes.
They can't help us because they are suffering by what they had done before their death.
All people have sad ancestors like that.

All ancestors are waiting for the next birth.
It takes 50 years at least.Normal term is about several hundreds years.
Until the next life,they stay in a same family gene line with their all descendants and they watches us every day every minutes.
But their staying level is not stable.
If you are doing bad things,ancestors can't relax in the beautiful place
because they can see your bad future.
Some ancestors have to change their level to low.
Your life are watched.

We can make ancestors calm and happy with Butsudan ritual.
It makes them feel at ease and go next life faster.
Just thinking ancestors or visiting grave are not so effective.
Home daily ritual is needed.
Practical manner is important between the world and another world.
Incense smoke means big.

Your cells of body came from all your ancestors genes.
So now,you are living with all your ancestors actually.
You feel your ancestor's feelings unconsciously.
So,some mental diseases are derived from suffering dead ancestors.

In long long history,there were various lives and events.
Starvation,war,death in battle,false charge,sex crime,death without medical care,immature law system...
Sadness were incalculable.
But our all ancestors have been keeping their severe lives until you.
You owe your life to all your ancestors.
Now,we are living in better society than their past age.
We owe this convenient society to our ancestors including your parents.

Generally,suffered people are saved after punishments.
(Punishments = What they had done to others before their death)
But It takes very long time.
Only Japanese Butsudan table ceremony relief their pain and bring forward their next reborn.
This Japanese tradition is very effective.
Incense smoke reliefs your ancestors.
Many Japanese people overcame their depression by this ritual.
Because some mental diseases is derived from suffering dead ancestors.
Butsudan summary/How to do

At first,some people feel bad during Butsudan ceremony
because suffering ancestors' spirits visit the table temporarily.

But your sick will be over soon.
This is the greatest ancestor helping system.
You free ancestors from pain,and they will help you instead.

Usually,ancestor ritual takes a week per person at least.
In case of sad person,it takes up to one month.
Don't limit ancestors that you know.
One leader ancestor decides the person who can get smoke every time.

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