The spring equinox / Ohigan season & Ohagi sweets / Japanese worship for ancestors
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Spring and Autumn Equinox are very important weeks in Japan.
These are called OHIGAN/HIGAN.
In wikipedia,Ohigan is written as Buddhism culture but it is not true.
Ancestor worship and nature worship are main concepts of Shinto.
In addition,Buddhism is very new thing in Japanese long history.
Our original religion is Shinto.
Japan has been continuing to have ancestor ritual
since before Indian Buddhism had reached to Japan.
Indian Buddhism adopted Japanese original culture and became Japanese Buddhism.
We visit ancestor's grave and pray their eternal peace.
Because the gate of the another world is slightly opened in two seasonal milestones,Ohigan.
Descendants are able to get close to ancestors in many ways.
So,we dedicate thank to them with flowers and foods.
There is no spiritual angels or guardians of you.
You are always protected by your ancestors.
Diligent Japanese people visit graves few times a year.
Spring equinox,OBON(middle of August),Autumn equinox,and death anniversary of family and relatives.
Some people visit grave once a month.
It is derived from the lost Mu continent.
But Butsudan care is more important than visiting graves.
It is a daily ritual in home.
For example,visiting grave is just a photo of feast.
Hungry ancestors can't eat the photo.
But if you perform the ritual with incense,your ancestors are able to eat it
and will feel good.
Anyway,the ritual frees your ancestors from various pains.
Your ancestors lives were harder than current society.
Many ancestors died because of
starvation,hunger,severe weather,health problem,war,crime and so on.
But your ancestors never give up child rearing and
your life was given.
Countless other family lines may ruined but your family line is still given.
Do you think it is a casual coincidence?
No,it is a gift from God.
This year's spring Ohigan starts from 17th March.
Please dedicate longer incense during Ohigan if you have.
Regular incense(Length about 5.3inch/burn time about 30min) for daily use.
Long incense(Length about 9.6inch/burn time about 60min) for special use.
Long type is a little bit expensive.
Japanese ancestor worship is a most important Japanese culture as much as Kamidana in Shinto.
Butsudan table is for ancestors.(Ancestor worship)
Kamidana table for nature gods who protect neighborhood.(Nature worship)
There are a set.
In Ohigan,many ancestors visit this real world to see their descendants.
And they take smoke of incenses and enjoy dedicated foods.
It is said that ancestors love Ohagi.(also called Botamochi)
Red azuki beans and Japanese rice(or sticky rice) have spiritual power.
Ancestors really want to eat Ohagi.
Red azuki beans and Japanese rice(or sticky rice) have spiritual power.
Ancestors really want to eat Ohagi.

Photo by photolibrary
Sweet red bean paste is called Anko or An.
Photo by wikipedia
There are two kinds of red bean paste.
Some people prefer to fully crashed red bean paste like this.(Smooth type)
Crashed type is called Koshian.
Photo by wikipedia
This is Tubuan.
(Not crashed type)
Photo by photolibrary
Other variations.
Yellow one(Roasted soy powder) and black one(Black sesame) include Anko inside.
Of course, I am going to dedicate homemade dessert for my ancestors.
I made Shiratama dango (rice flour dumpling) last year.
I made Shiratama dango (rice flour dumpling) last year.
Please dispose dedicated foods after your ritual.
Because red beans absorb bad extra spirits.
In Shinto,important God is AmaterasuOhomikami,The sun goddess.
But there is another secret God.It is the Polaris.(Center of the Universe)
Both are worshiped at Grand shrine of ISE.