Your last name and family line / Self Inner God / Gift from ancestors

Your body is made from all your ancestor's DNA.
The DNA has all information of your ancestors including your parents.
You may think that you are an original or separate individual apart from ancestors.
It is not you.
You are the representative of all your ancestors.
Your ancestors are always watching you from another world.
It's like parents watch their baby to protect from accidents.

Body and spirit are different.
Your body was just borrowed by ancestor's DNA.
Invisible spirit is your own thing.
So, your body is a kind of vehicle that you can ride on in the world.
You have to cherish your body until the end of your life limit.
Smoking,drug,bad eating habits,alcoholics and fashion tattoo are quite out of the question.
You will be sorry about it after your death.
Because your body was gift from all your ancestors.
You were longing to have your body before you were born.
You need to maintain your body very much.

Human is composed of three important things.
1,Borrowed body

2,Own spirit with extra Ego

3,Self Inner God(Your true conscience)
Self inner god(indwelling divinity) is an important key.

Front side of human

Back side of human
There are two invisible lines in human body
and these lines are twisted above your head to the sky.(It is like a very long DNA rope)
One line is a power line from all your ancestors.(Family or DNA line/Your left side)
The other line is a self inner God line.(Your right side)
The inner god means the most sacred God who made the Universe.
You are already with God of Universe.
There is the God inside of you not outside.
Inner God is called Naizai-shin in Japan.
Naizai-shin is the God of highest dimension in the whole Universe.
Ramakrishna (a famous Indian saint) already knew about our common God.
All God's particles are connected in our heart.
These are always listening our thinking or feelings.
God's only atmosphere is..."Sea of Love" or "Super love divergence".
God's only wish is... "I want to save you absolutely"

You have to thank to the particle that is staying in your right side chest.
You can stay with it only during your life time in the Earth.
I mean it is limited opportunity.
You have to say good bye to your God's particle after death.

God's particles are distributed into unborn baby.(At early stage of pregnancy)
It is totally same amount particle per person.
It is like a sacred battery of human.
Your spirit + Your borrowed body + God's particle = Human 

View from above
There is a middle point in your chest.
Some people call it a green chakra.
(By the way opening chakra with meditation is absolutely bad.Never do that.
Chakra is not so important. It is just a kind of joints of body.
You don't have to think about chakra.
Because your chakra will open if you realize your inner God.It is your conscience.)

And there are your spirit(Pentagram) and self inner God(Hexagram) beside the center.
Seven colors light is moving like a infinity.

There are bad people in the world even though all human beings have the same God's particle.
This is because they have strong Ego.
Cloud of Ego covers their inner Sun-shine.
Bad people have no responsibility about their own inner God.
You can choose act of indwelling divinity or Ego in every moment of life.
All human have been repeating their many past lives to realize the own inner God.
Realize? No,you just recall about God.
Your old ancestors already knew about God.
You will feel your own inner God when you are totally following your conscience.
Actually,the meaning of your life is facing the inner God in every moment.
Other various life events are not important to you.

Family line's situation is very different in each family.
The situation means repeated good or bad habits.(Clear and clean line or not)
For example,if your grandma loves the specific music,
you may like the same music or sound.
Or criminal family lines are also have some bad factors in their future.
Because descendant have same information of ancestors.
Your DNA includes all ancestor's information even their past food culture.
What your ancestors did and said to others.

Clear family line holder can live vigorously even if they are in sad situation.
But if your family line is clogged ,it needs to be cleaned by yourself.

Examples of clogged family line holders
1,Mental illness 2,Some repeated accidents or habitats 3,Restless children
4,Addiction 5,Hot temper 6,Suicide people in family line 
...and so on.

Other family's people can't clean your family line.
I mean I can't clean your line.
Only you can do it by Japanese style ritual.
Butsudan is a very effective way to heal your dead ancestors.
Some Japanese people think that Butsudan table is a Zen Buddhism item.
It is not true.
Shinto's two main concepts were Nature worship and Ancestor worship originally.
Shinto is not only for nature worship.
These two concepts are not separated because all ancestors were created by nature of the Earth.

If you have suffering ancestors in your family line,eternal power from the God is not enough to you.
(Why are they suffering? → Refer to this article)
Suffering ancestors means a clogged or weak hose.
This is a kind of a spiritual handicap.
Energy for your battery(Inner God of yourself) is not enough.

Meanwhile,if you will have clean ancestor stream,you can live more energetically and become more positive thinker.
Conversely,your family line may clean if you and your family are positive thinkers.
But there are sad ancestors in every family line.Do not forget about it.
They are just enduring and waiting for your true ritual.
Only your ritual is the last chance for them.
Because their former life is already done.
They need to wait long long time to be reborn again.
Some Japanese people put foods in front of photo of dead people,
but it is meaningless.
Because it looks like foods on TV.
Dead people can't enjoy it and feel consolable more and more
if they are hungry.

Question : I think dead people don't feel hungry.
Answer : No,if a person dead because of hunger or poor,
the feeling lasts for a while.
The moment of person's death  = Fixed feeling 
Our generation is very richer than before.
But our ancestors were always struggling with severe life.
Foods weren't enough.
In addition,suicide or murder person goes to very bad place in another world.
You need to help them.
Many family lines have suicide or murder.(Including all relatives of family)

Placing a table for ancestors in your home means 
you give a nice and cozy house to your ancestors.
(Secure,beautiful place for them)
You don't have buy a gorgeous table for ancestors.
The place is important.

And your routine ritual with incenses means what they want practically.
Ancestors can change the incense smoke to foods,relief or warmth.
Dead children may want to play with toys.
Once your sad ancestors and dead children are satisfied with your ritual,
they calm down and go to next high stage.
Your ritual makes them happy.
And their thank to you makes you happier.
You looks like an illuminant person from another world residents.
I mean a hero.

By the way,there are countless ancestors in your family line,
but mostly you take an influence by previous ancestors within past seven generations.
Oldest ancestors were already away from the line.
But all their evidence is you.

One more image of family line.
The main branch is your family line.
There are only same last name group members.
Family name and the sound contain all your ancestor's background.
But you and others have own independent small stem.
The small stem is not shared with other members.
Because each member take an influence by specific exclusive ancestor beside common ancestors.
If you make effort in life,you will be protected higher-level ancestor.

If you changed your last name after marriage,
your family line will be changed into your husband's line.
This is an interesting phenomenon.
Sometimes it is difficult to switch.
In case of difficulty,your marriage ends in vain and divorce.
If you cherish your husband's family line,
you can melt into new line easily.
Butsudan is the most effective way for just married women.
Woman is good family keeper in each family.

You may feel it is nonsense if women cherish husband's family member(or ancestors) rather than women's family member.
But it is a secret rule in spiritual world.
As far as you use your husband's last name,
you are belong to his family's family line.(Power line)
The line give you an energy from all of his ancestors.
So,you have to cherish your husband's family rather than yours.
Women have important mission.

Originally,married woman have strong destiny with husband's family line not her original line.
Because married woman's life is longer than before marriage.
So,married woman needs to cherish new family member especially 
dead ancestors.

If you didn't change your last name in your marriage,
your line is still in your original.
Different surname system is not good in marriage.
But don't worry.
You just do the ritual with Husband's surname
Your original family's line is cared by the third incense.
The third incense is very important.
Correct ancestor ritual needs a paper board written your surname.
If you are single lady,use your original surname/family name.
Of course,the ritual is not only for women.
Everybody needs to do.If you gratitude your great ancestors.

Information for Brides-to-be,
Change your family name to your future husband's as long as possible.
Same power stream holders in one house is an ideal marriage.
Whole common-energy group is protected by same ancestor group.

Surname(Family name) is very important more than you think.
It is same as adopted children.
If adopted child use same surname of your family,
they can melt into your family line easily even if they don't have same DNA.

Pets also have a direct influence of your ancestors as long as they use common surname.
Please check your pet's disease.
And be careful about the disease because you may have the disease.

You are the final copy of all of ancestors.
And you have repeat reproducing apparatus about what your ancestors had done.

In Japan,surname system is new.
Japanese ordinary people didn't have surname system until the meiji period,
but they had already ancestor worship in their life.
Japanese have been continuing ancestor worship since super ancient times.
Because Shinto's main two concept is nature worship and 
ancestor worship.

Some people or race don't have family name in some countries.
If you don't have family name,
please use "house name" or "crest" in ritual.

Some people feel sick during the ritual.
But it doesn't last so long.(Up to 2-3 months I think)
I had been feeling bad only a month.
It depends on the amount of suffering ancestors
or number of times you can do the ritual.

Generally speaking,Butsudan ritual is took place by mother or wife in each house.
Women are sacred priests in each house.
Because they create new human and make dishes.
In ancient time of Japan,all great shaman,top priests, were women. 

House wife is very ideal because Butsudan ritual needs to be confirmed about fire extinction of incense.
Busy workers or students have no time to confirm fire extinction.
Of course men or students can do it if they are interested about Butsudan.
I just want to say women have secret important work in each house.

One Butsudan table per one family home.
Or each family member can own Butsudan tables, too.
Please look at the above image again.
They have common main stream of ancestor line,
but each small stems are different.
It means each member have slightly different background.
So,they can have each own Butsudan table.

Examples are countless / Almost no rule 
1,One Butsudan in home / Main priest is mom
2,One Butsudan in home / There is no main priest.All member share one Butsudan.
3,One Butsudan in home / Main priest is mom,but husband and children join the ritual sometimes.
4,Each person have own table in each room
5,One Butsudan in home / Someone do the ritual

Ritual is limited once or twice a day per one table

Of course,you should do Butsudan even if you aren't married now.
 Do this ceremony with your current family name.
In case of cohabitation,please use boyfriend's family name in this ritual.
(If you want to marry with him)

Ancestor worship in each family save your country too.
Strong families makes a strong nation.
Let's make more stable situation of your family line.

If you don't have a child or you are not going to marry someone in future,
please do Butsudan ritual all the more.
Because childless people can't have enough memorial ritual after death.
Value of Butsudan ritual that you do it for your dead ancestors everyday will save you after your death.
You can take the value definitely.

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