Memorial service for miscarried or aborted fetus / Importance / Jealousy

Today's topic is forgotten dead children and fetus.

Every family line have dead children and fetus.
Miscarried or aborted fetus is called Mizuko in Japan.
Memorial ritual for dead children and Mizuko is really important for your family.
Especially,for your living kids.

Even if you don't have dead children and Mizuko,your parents or grandparents may have.
Your ancestors surely have dead children and Mizuko.
But they have been forgotten for a long time. 
Don't forget about them.

By the way,human spirit enter into fertilized egg
during mother's morning sickness,
So,it is not a human before morning sick.

There are two types.
Type A = Children/Mizuko who died of illness.Originally not healthy.
Type B = Children/Mizuko who were killed by forced accidents(Accident,Abortion and so on)

Type A is almost no problem.
They didn't have enough energy to live in the world originally.
Every person decides self body condition before birth.
Ujigami,Nature gods,and you had a meeting to decide all conditions before birth.
Conditions mean your near future.(Your parents,your face,your health, and so on)
So,Type A have no regret when they died.
They did their best in each life.
Of course we need to remember them
but their spirits are already in peace with your ancestors.

Type B needs treatment than type A.
Type B had enough energy to live when they died.
Body disappears but spirits energy still remain in the world after death.
It is very unsatisfactory situation to them.
They can't go to another world for a long time.
They stay and watching family.

Some spirits grow until 20 years old or so.
And finally finish the existence and go to another world.

Important thing is some dead children's spirits and Mizuko disturb their living sisters or brothers.
They always feel jealous because parent look like they love only living children.

For example,
Overnight baby-crying,Short temper children,Children's mental problem,Domestic fights are caused by poor spirits.
A quarrel between wife and husband occurs even if you have no child.

But poor spirit's only wish is loved by parent
or warm memorial service.

So we need to care them.
Butsudan ritual is very effective.
The third incense is for all your concerned.
It hasten poor spirit's departure to another world.(and next birth)

Dead children and Mizuko are not invisible.
But please think about their sadness of their lonely heart.
They are sad because they are forgotten.

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