First Buddhism history in Japan / Rough summary / Imported religion

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Emperor Shōmu assumed the throne in 724.(Nara period)
Anciently,emperor govern a country.
In his era,there were so many disasters,diseases and rebellions by noblemen.
Japan was disturbed. It was very unstable.
His heart ached and he blamed himself.
He changed the place of capital city four times in Nara prefecture
(it was a kind of old-fashioned way to refresh nation's situation)
but nothing had changed.

Finally he decided to rely on Buddhism
because he loved Buddhism teaching personally.
He decided to build a first statue of Buddha and wanted it to save Japan.


For his government and Japanese general public.

 Until that time, Japanese people had only one original religion "SHINTO".
Actually,Buddhism had already reached from ancient China and Korea in 538
but it was only among emperors and other nobles.
Besides there were violent conflicts between Buddhism supporters and Buddhism opposition party.

Shinto had no teaching or commandment.
So, Shinto was not like a religion.
People just dedicate thankful heart to nature gods.
Shinto essence = Feel reverence for the Sun/Nature/Ancient gods in myth
(Ancient gods mean nature gods not human people)
Shinto was just a normal attitude to Japanese people.
Even now,Japanese people think that "we have no religion".

Emperor Shōmu wanted to propagate Buddhism teachings.
He wanted stable government and peaceful Japan.
He started to built the statue with help of Buddhist high monk Gyouki.

Gyouki was Japanese and famous Buddhism monk who spread Buddhism teachings 

and helped poor people in Japan.

From all over Japan,labor were gathered to erect the first Buddha statue.
There were almost 2.6 million people for 11 years construction.
But many worker died due to dangerous process of casting minerals.
Furthermore serious mercury pollution had occurred around Nara prefecture.
Those pollution were called a kind of dangerous curse 
because Japanese nature gods felt angry about imported religion.
(Actually,people were getting impolite to nature gods at that time)
Finally many labors from countrysides could not go back to their hometown.
Because of the death/disease/injury...and so on.

Statue of Buddha was completed with difficulty.
Gyouki had died without seeing the statue.

In order to broaden the correct Buddhism teachings,
Emperor Shōmu was trying to find a high Buddhism monk from abroad as a teacher.

The man he found at last was Jianzhen.
Jianzhen was Chinese and he was in China.
By the way,Japan's situation had became worse at this time.
Because of heavy taxes, awful works for statue construction.
Countless people became a monk to just escape from the tax.
Monks was not imposed taxes at that time.

Received a request from Japan government,
Jianzhen and his pupils tried to visit Japan.
But he couldn't get a travel permit.
(Voyage was so dangerous attempt in old time)
Reluctantly,he decided go to Japan without permission.
There was a sense of mission to him.

The first departure ended in failure because the plan came to light.
The second time, they were in distressed at sea.
Fifth attempt,they drifted to distant southern island in storm damage.
The sixth voyage,they finally arrived Nara,Japan.
Owing to hardships Jianzhen was no longer blind.
10 years had already passed from the first starting.

Jianshen taught Japanese monks "Buddhist commandments".
He tried to keep the order by enforcing good teachings for monks.
Also,he made some temples.

But the nation was not stable at all.
People were still suffering from heavy taxes.
On the other hand, aristocracy lived gracefully and
their power struggle fights were terrible.
Empowered monks came to interfere with the politics before long.
Many more temples were erected by nobles to tax evasion.

Next Emperor Kanmu made up his mind to change the place of capital city in the end.
He was the last emperor of Nara period.
He was trying to break with the some powerful nobles or monks.
The capital was moved from Nara to Kyoto.

Heijyou-kyou in Nara(for 74 years/Emperor Shoumu)→ Nagaoka-kyou in Kyoto(for 10 years/Emperor Kanmu)
Heian-kyou in Kyoto(for 400 years/Emperor Kanmu)
※Heian means peace and tranquility.

In new city,monks couldn't maintain the forces.
With the exception of two main temples. new temple constructions were not allowed.
Peaceful era of Heian-kyou lasted for 400 years by strict rules against Buddhists.

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