Polaris and Sun / Japanese Shinto includes all / Jewish people

Japanese Shinto religion is not separated from Judaism.
But many Japanese people can't explain this.
Even about Shinto.

Shinto is known as a nature worship.
It is so simple but it is complicated. 
I would like you to share rough concept.
Please look at the ①illustration.
There are two main places in the Grand shrine of ISE(Ise Gingu).
Ise Jingu is all Japanese shrine's root.

One place(Gekuu photo) is a location for the Polaris and the Big Dipper.
The Polaris means the center of this universe.
Also it means fatherhood and strictness.
Of course this place is not named as Polaris,but it has Polaris's character.
Sometimes priests wear clothes that stars were stitched. 
There are many star of david in Ise Jingu. photos)

The other place(Naikuu photo) is a location for the Sun.
The Sun means motherhood and mercy. 
Also it means the center of the planetary system.
Sun goddess is called Amaterasu,but it is not a human lady.
Japanese Shinto is not idolatrous worship.
There is no statue of Shinto in Japan.

Then,the important place is our earth.(Land).
People can live only in this place.
All individuals have same valued sacredness.
Sacredness means human conscience.(self inner god)
We can't born without self Inner God.
We all had passed moral exam before we born.
This concept is really important in this article.

In Christianity,the triangle is called Holy Trinity.
Father,mother and son.

Next ②illustration.
This is also Shinto's main concept.
Ancestor worship is really important to us.
Because your body came from all your ancestors.
Dead ancestors are invisible now but they are still living in your genes and cells.

Japanese Emperor often visit Ise Jingu.
Because there is his ancestor Amaterasu in the shrine.
Emperor's direct ancestor is the Sun.
So,Japanese national flag means the Sun.

①▽ + ②△ = ✡

Visiting shrine with thankful heart and ancestor worship with merciful heart.
These two big pillars are base of Japan.
And I have to explain about ceremony / rituals in our house.
Japanese old generation have Kamidana table and Butsudan table.
These are traditional items.

Kamidana = Small shrine in our house
Butsudan = Worship place for ancestors in our house

We do both ceremony every morning.
Why do we do this every day?

We keep Japan by doing these ceremony.
Japan is richest country in the world.
That luck come from Shinto.(as a true attitude for nature gods and ancestors)
On the other hand,Jewish people's richness come from accusation sacrifice.
Japanese and Israeli are always suffering from neighborhood countries or false charges.
Because we are rich. Not a religious conflictions.
Public people are used by top people who want to play money game.
And other big reason is an evil side power.
All we have opposite hearts like an angel and evil.(Conscience VS Ego)
True human worship has been buried in Japanese Shinto.
But evil side power always wants to destroy the truth.
God wants Jewish people to live in Japan.
Ishikawa prefecture's southern area is called KANAN.(Canaan)
It is a nickname during only local people.(Kaga-Nanbu.as Kanan)
If they live in Japan,their work will be an agriculture.
They don't have to earn money so hard.
They don't have to protect their safety any more.
They will come back as simple worship people like Japanese.
They don't have to protect their home dry country.
Because their true home is green Japan.
(There is a Moses memorial park in Ishikawa prefecture)
Ishikawa prefecture is one of the most beautiful place in Japan.

Please tell me what did you eat today?
You ate your favorite foods.
You had chose by yourself and foods appeared in your dining table.
There was your wish for the foods at that time.

Japanese Shinto has same idea.
We dedicate thankful heart in local shrine.
"We are very happy to live here"
"We can't live without this area"
"Thank you for your protecting this area"
The area is protected by these pray or wish.
If we don't do this manifestation of intention,
our local area will ruin soon.

Yesterday,a kindness lady said to me like this.
"All human beings are the same"

 It is true in the point of human value.(conscience value)
But the other hand,some people have strong responsibility than other people.
It is called positional value.
For example,if father died,his family will going to poor and ruin.
If mother died,her family can't eat neat meals.
We have to think that value and responsibility are different.
Your country's president must be protected than other people
because he has big responsibility.
So,all people are not same.
There are people who have important role than others.
In any nation,family and groups.

All traditional religions in the world are divided into 2 parts.
Sun part line and Polaris part line.
In each parts,Japan and Israel are main responsibilities.
But most important thing is our prime God is same.(Common myth)

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