Ancient Hebrews in Japan / Book of Isaiah / Izawa-no-miya shrine

Today,I would like to share a secret legend of Hebrews in ancient Japan.
This story is long and complicated to explain.
Also this is not opened officially.
But I think it is what Jewish people have been wanting to know.

Mie prefecture faces toward the Pacific ocean.
There is Grand shrine of Ise(Ise-Jingu) in Mie,
and Izawa-no-miya is secret prime shrine of Grand shrine of Ise.

Grand shrine of Ise has two important places in there.
One place for the SUN worship called Naiku.
The other place for the POLARIS STAR worship called Geku.
(Of course,Polaris star means Star of David)

The Sun means the center of space solar system in the universe.(Motherhood,mercy,kindness)
The Polaris star means the center of the space universe.(Fatherhood,strictness, strength)

But Japanese Shinto religion's prime god is Amaterasu,the god of the Sun.
So,we have other place for the Sun.
This is the Izawa-no-miya.


By the way,Japanese and Hebrews/Jewish are not separated.
In Shinto concept,Sun and Polaris are important pair as a parent.
We can't live without them.

Only sun/momen= ruin
Only polaris/men = ruin
Both important planets like a parents  = evolution/children

Izawa-no-miya's name is derived from ISAIAH.
And this shrine's official crest is Star of David called KAGOME-MON.
This shrine have been using the crest since the oldest ancient time.

Number of 6,Hexagon, and bee's honey comb means perfection.

I've heard that there is a description about Japan in chapter 66, Book of Isaiah.
"Islands in the sea,Far east."
"Sacred mountains and salvaration of the human."

But it has not been deciphered yet.
It will become clear in the near future.

Isaiah visited ancient Japan.
Moses also visited Japan with the Ark of the covenant and his Hebrew followers.

Izawa-no-miya is located in the small islands area,Iseshma.(Iseshima photos)

Every June 24,important ceremony for rice field is held with Izawa's priests.
It is called Isobe-no-omita or  Otaue-matsuri.
In this ritual,boy wear girl's dress costume.
Then he purify rice fields while riding on a small boat.
This boy's ritual is also derived from ancient Hebrew culture.

There is a false charge/accusation story in Japanese famous myth.
Susanoo(God of the sea and storm) was exiled from gods world.
Because he was known as a criminal.
But his older sister Amaterasu(Prime God of the Sun) called him to come back to Japan.
 Because she knew his innocence.
His sin was a fabrication that was made by other gods.
Susanoo means Jewish people.
Amaterasu means Japanese.

By the way, there is a big Mediterranean style resort place.(Shima-Chichukai village Official HP)
Climate of Mie prefevture is similar to around the Mediterranean.

photos by wikipedia

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