Kyoto,Japan / The Gion matsuri festival / Deep culture and the Ark of the covenant

The Gion Matsuri of Kyoto is one of the biggest festival in Japan.
Of course this festival is a Shinto ceremony of YASAKA-Jinjya shrine that have been held for 1,100 years.
There are many same name of shrines in all over Japan.
YASAKA means like "worship"in old Hebrew or Aramatic language.

YASAKA-Jinjya shrine,Gion,Kyoto
The Gion matsuri takes place for whole of July.
The highlight of this festival is "Yamahoko Junko"held on 17 July.
It is called a moving museum.

Above gorgeous vehicles are called hoko,dashi or hikiyama and so on.
These all are sort of MIKOSHI.↓
In summer or early autumn,many Japanese big shrines perform each Shinto festival with Mikoshi.
(By the way,there are more than 85,000 shrines in Japan)
Mikoshi was derived from the Ark of the covenant.
Moses visited ancient Japan with the Ark to hide an important thing.

About 1,300 years ago...

Two tablets of stone were quarts material.
One was light blue,the other one was white.
Same sacred 10 sentences were carved in each stone.
Blue one is in the ruins of West Bank.(The dead sea side)
White one is in Japan.
Why did Moses prepare two plates?
This is because Yahweh ordered it to him.
To know the same blood holders between Japanese and Jewish people in future.
These plates are the evidence for our future.
Someday,we will show plates each other.

At first, Moses and some Hebrew people landed at Noto peninsula.(Ishikawa pref,Japan).
It was almost 2 year long trip for them.
 Moses was advised by Susanoo(Japan's God of the "SEA and LAND") to go to Japan.

Noto peninsula
The slate of Ten Commandment was put into the Ark of covenant that covered by clothes,because it was illuminant.
They wandered around Japan → First was Nanao (Ishikawa prefecture) → Kyoto prefecture
→ Mie prefecture → Noto peninsula again.

They walked along the river because there were no correction roads.
At that time,Japan was Jomon period.

They buried the Ark of the covenant on their way.
We know the place, but we are forbidden to talk about it.
We are concerned about thieves.

There is a famous festival in Nanao,Ishikawa that was derived from the Ark of the covenant.
Ancient Japanese people were surprised about the Ark and understood its importance and value.
Detail of Seihaku festival,Nanao,Ishikawa prefecture.(Photos)

At Kyoto, Moses and Hebrews camped at around the Yasaka shrine for a while.
 Yasaka/Yaasaka = Worship,Oh god! Here is god in Hebrew or old Aramatic language.

Gion festival's name is also derived from Ark of the covenant.
 Zion/Shion  =  It's time to fight
These big festivals were spreaded all over japan.
 That's why we carry mikoshi in most of Shinto festivals.

So many folklore about "ONI" were created around Kyoto,
because Moses had small nubbles/horns on his forehead.
Detail about Oni

They wandered around mountains in Kyoto.
Japanese Oni folklore/legend is based on these facts.

Moses taught local people in Mie prefecture about
 "textile/fabric skill" ,"dyeing technology" ,"Yahweh" ,and "habit of Somin-shourai.
(It means a proof that children of Yahweh)
Even now,people display Somin-shourai ornament at front door.
Chinowa roop is also culture of Somin-shourai.

After they had hide the box, Moses tried to come back to middle east.
But he died around houtatsu mountain(Noto peninsula) because of his total exhaustion.
Houtatsu means treasure arrives/reaches.
He was already about 120 years old.
There is the Moses tomb in foot of the houtatsu mountain. Now, it is known as a "Moses park".
Moses park photos

In the park,there are THREE pillars.
About Super ancient worship before Sun worship
And nobody knows when or who decided the place to be Moses's place.
So,this was "oral tradition" of local people.
Oral tradition is more important than written things.
Because books were always written by authorities in ancient times.

Local people call Kaga-nanbu region(south part of Ishikawa pref) "Kanan" as nickname.
Moses decided Canaan is here.
In other words, ARZERT(the farthest place in holy bible) is Japan.
 East of Eden is Japan. Canaan is Japan.
Thus ancient Hebrew people defended desperately their culture and blood.
 They never told about Japan to keep it secret.

Please look at the exotic pattern of fabric.
Those patterns are not Japanese original.
Judaism and Hebrew's culture of journey to Japan ware added in Shinto in ancient time.
So,Shinto and Judaism are not separated.
But originally,they have the same DNA from Mars.
Mount Haku / Root of Shinto
Ancient Hebrew people visited Japan to conceal their culture,religion,and blood line.
Because they were almost ruined by other people. 

By the way,some Japanese people think that the Ark was buried in the Mount Tsurugi,Shikoku.
But it is not true.
It was buried in the middle of Japan faces the pacific ocean.

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