Japanese girl's festival of spring / Hina-Masuri / March 3rd

March 3 is Japanese traditional festival for girls.
Most family with girls display Hina-dolls and pray for girl's good health and future.

Originally,this husband and wife represent Japan's Emperor and Empress.
Some Japanese still have heirloom dolls.

My dolls were only wife and husband.
There are gorgeous version of Hina-dolls.3 step and 7 step style.
Below dolls are three imperial court ladies and five musicians.

7 step style.

Japanese people feel spring season with Hina-Matsuri.
The hanging display is called Tsurushi-Bina.

Tiny dolls in bamboo.
This is related to Japanese oldest fairy story,"The tale of the bamboo cutter".

Katsuura city's big Hina-Matsuri is famous.

This is the most original way to use dolls.(Nagashi-Bina culture)
People make simple paper dolls first.
Human's bad luck and diseases possess dolls and people throw dolls away.

When Japanese people dispose old dolls,they send or bring them to Shinto shrine.
Priests and miko ladies perform memorial service for used dolls.
Usually,dolls are burned with thank but Awashima shrine throw dolls away on the sea. (Not all dolls in shrine)
Japan has many kind of memorial service for used or forgotten things.
Most important memorial service is for own ancestors.
How to do

Also we eat some sweets for spring season.
Hina-arare.Colorful rice cracker.

This is Rakugan.
(Dry confection of starch and expensive fine sugar,Wasanbon)

Sweet sake-like drink,Shirozake.

Chirashi-Zushi,a kind of Sushi.
This is not only for the festival.
We often eat it on celebration events.

I bought a box of Japanese cherry blossom black tea.

Traditional Hina-Matsuri song.
This song reminds me of my childhood.
Every year,my parents and grand parents gave me a gorgeous party.

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