Elected as Oiran for the Tsubame Sakura Festival! 第74回 分水おいらん道中のおいらん役に!

みんなさん、一つご報告あります。昨日新潟県燕市で行われましたある二次審査に参加させて頂きました。そこで平成28年4月17日のつばめ桜祭り「第74回 分水おいらん道中」で桜太夫のおいらん役として選ばせて頂きました。外国人のおいらん役は歴代初だそうで大変光栄に思います。みんなさん、当日ご都合宜しければ是非見に来てください♪(*^^)

Yesterday I had the honor of getting elected for a position as an Oiran at the Tsubame Sakura Festival in Niigata scheduled to take place on the 17th of April. Among 64 applicants we were three girls who ended up with a position as Oiran in the parade, and in the 74 year long history of the festival it is the first time that a foreigner has been chosen for this role. This sure will be a great chance to experience a Japanese festival and see the Sakura at the same time!! For those of you who are in the vicinity it would be fantastic if you have the chance to come see the parade on April 17th!
分水おいらん道中のおいらん役に選ばれた初の外国人は・・・大使館の元研修生でした! 4月17日の開催です(新潟県燕市)http://bit.ly/1QUQ1t8


Posted by Royal Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo on Thursday, March 3, 2016

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