Kojiki ⑤ / Japanese basic mythology / Sister and brother
Monday, July 4, 2016
Kojiki is Japanese prime mythology.
Japanese all shrines are based on Kojiki.
Three important gods were created by Izanagi(father).
Izanagi was very pleased with birth of children.
Amaterasu-Ohomikami is god of the Sun/day time/heaven.
Tsukuyomi is god of the moon and night time/dark world/death world
Susanoo is god of the sea and land.
Susanoo can visit many dimension freely.
Various level of this worlds and death worlds.
If he visit this world,he is called Susanoo.
If he stay death world,he is called Tsukuyomi.
So,Tsukuyomi and Susanoo are same one god.
Susanoo also denotes human beings.
Because human is living on the land and repeating cycle of reincarnation.
In Shinto,Amaterasu is the top of the god
and hidden second important god is Susanoo.
Amaterasu = plus power
Susanoo = minus power
Both opposite energies are very important.
Susanoo didn't control his area of sea and land.
He was always crying bitterly because he wanted to see dead mother "Izanami".
His strong sadness caused all nature die.
Izanagi said to Susanoo,
"Why can't you control your post?"
Susanoo said,
"I want to go to the death world because my mother is there."
Izanami exiled Susanoo from sea land world with anger.
Susanoo went to greet Amaterasu in celestial world before go to death world.
But Amaterasu was really trembling because she thought that he may plunder her world.
"Why did you come here?"
Armed Amaterasu said to him.
They confronted each other across Amanoyasukawa river.
Amanoyasukawa river in Miyazaki prefecture
"I don't have dirty heart.
I just came here because I wanted to greet you.
I am going to visit Yomi/Death world from now.
"Proof your innocent heart."Amaterasu said.
"So,let's make oaths each other."Susanoo said.
Amaterasu took his sword and broke it into 3 pieces.
Then,she purified pieces by well water.

Sacred well water
She crunched pieces down in her mouth and blew them out.
Sword pieces turned into women(gods).
Next,Susanoo received her beads accessories and did same ceremony.
Beads turned into men.(gods)
Japanese ancient beads is called Magatama.
Photos by Miyazaki shun navi tourist information and photolibrary and wikipedia