Photo tour ② / Kanazawa city,Ishikawa pref,JAPAN

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In Ishikawa prefecture, gold leaf crafts are very famous.

Of course,all crafts are handmade.

Also,you can try many traditional experiential workshops in Kanazawa city.
They are making gorgeous chopstick.

Or you can make small box.

Indigo dye class in Sousaku no mori art shop museum.

Kimono trial experience.

Ishikawa prefecture's Kimono are called Kaga-Yuzen(photos).
Generally speaking,Kaga-Yuzen has realistic flower/natural patterns like a sketch or painting.
On the other hand,Kyoto's kimono"Kyo-Yuzen" has repeated artificial patterns.
But it is hard to know the differences about Kaga and Kyo-Yuzen.

Kimono painting lesson.

Yuzen-Nagashi is a interesting scene in Ishikawa prefecture.
This is one of the process of making Kimono.
He removes extra dye color by stream of the river.

Beautiful Urushi crafts.
Urushi is Japanese wood juice lacquered craft.

Trial lesson.

Other crafts.

Fishing hooks."Kaga-Kebari"
Some fishing hooks are sold as accessories for women.(Photos)

Photos by Kanazawa tabi monogatari (Kanazawa tourism)

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