Fighting Styles in Japanese

Have you ever wondered how a fighting style is written in Japanese? Like boxing... or kickboxing... or chinese kickboxing... or drunken, chinese kickboxing? Or maybe how karate is written in Japanese? Well, worry no more, I've compiled a list of those names for you.

The names below are either in kanji or katakana. For fighting styles from around Japan and China, you'll see their names are in kanji 漢字. The names of other fighting styles become loan-words and are written in katakana カタカナ.
  • Boxing
    bokushingu ボクシング
    kentou 拳闘
  • Capoeira
    kapoera カポエイラ
  • Chinese Martial Arts
    chuugoku bujutsu 中国武術
    chuugoku kenpou 中国拳法
  • Karate
    karate 空手
  • Kempo
    kenpou 拳法
  • Kickboxing
    kikkubokushingu キックボクシング
  • Kung Fu
    kunfuu 功夫
    kufuu 工夫
  • Jiu Jitsu
    jyuujitsu 柔術
  • Judo
    jyuudou 柔道
  • Muay Thai
    muetai ムエタイ
  • Pradal Serey
    puradaru serei プラダル・セレイ
  • Sambo
    sanbo サンボ
  • Sanda, Chinese Kickboxing
    sanda 散打
  • Savate
    sabbato サバット
  • Shaolin Kung Fu
    shourinken 少林拳
  • Silat
    siratto シラット
  • Sumo
    sumou 相撲
  • Taido
    taidou 躰道
  • Taekkyeon
    tekkyon テッキョン
  • Taekwondo
    tekondoo テコンドー
    taikendou 跆拳道
  • Wing Chun
    eishunken 詠春拳
  • Wrestling
    resuringu レスリング
  • Wushu
    bujutsu taikyoken 武術太極拳
    wuushuu ウーシュー
  • Zui Quan, Drunken Boxing
    suiken 酔拳

(if you're wondering what jutsu 術 means, check out the meaning of Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Genjutsu)

Ken'ichi from the manga Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Ken'ichi 史上最強の弟子ケンイチ saying "Karate, Jiu Jutsu and Chinese Martial Arts... also, Mutai Thai!!" in Japanese: karate to jyuujutsu to chuugoku kenpou... sore ni, muetai desu!!

Related Words

Here's a little more Japanese vocabulary about fighting.

  • bujutsu 武術
    Martial arts. Specially Chinese.
  • budou 武道
    Martial way. Study of the martial arts.
  • bujutsu-ka 武術家
    budou-ka 武道家
    Practitioner of bujutsu/budou.
    (see ka of mangaka 漫画家)

Win and Loss

  • shoubu 勝負
    A match.
  • katsu 勝つ
    To win.
  • kachi 勝ち
  • makeru 負ける
    To lose.
  • make 負け

Fighting and Brawling

  • kenka ケンカ
    A quarrel. A fight.
  • tatakau 闘う
    tatakau 戦う
    To fight
  • naguru 殴る
    To hit. To strike.
  • naguriai 殴り合い
    Fist fight
  • ataru 当たる
    To hit something.
  • ataranai 当たらない
    To not hit something.
  • kawasu 躱す
    To evade.
  • kobushi
  • panchi パンチ
  • nageru 投げる
    To throw.
  • nage 投げ
    A throw.
  • keru 蹴る
    To kick
  • keri 蹴り
    A kick.


  • itai 痛い
    Hurting. Ouch!
  • itami 痛み
  • taosu 倒す
    To make [someone] fall.
    To make [someone] go down.
  • taoreru 倒れる
    To fall down. To go down.
  • kizetsu suru 気絶する
    To faint.
  • kizetsu saseru 気絶させる
    To make [someone] faint.
  • kossetsu 骨折
    Bone fracture.
  • nyuuin suru 入院する
    To be hospitalized.
  • shinu 死ぬ
    To die.
  • korosu 殺す
    koroshiteyaru 殺してやる
    To kill.
  • ano yo ni okutte yaru あの世に送ってやる
    To send [someone] to the other world.

Other Vocabulary

See also this list of body parts in Japanese in case you want to refer to something exactly, like "hitting [someone's] face," kao wo naguru 顔を殴る, for example.

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