FWS News Flash: Moving to AUSTIN!

For over the past two months, I've been interviewing with an medical construction company in Austin, Texas. Today, I was made an offer from the company to join them as the medical logistics coordinator for in-the-field clinics. This means that the place I've called home for 20 years, Dallas, will be changing to Austin at around the first part of March. How will this affect FWS? Austin is more centered around the Arts, creativity, and thinking outside the box. This could equate to expansion, but in the short term, it is going mean that FWS will be slower in output, due to learning a new job and me living down in Austin prior to my wife and child moving down after we sell the house. Of course, living on my own temporarily could mean that I more evening time to work on blogposts. With the new job comes more travel...and that will cut into writing and research. I do not predict that this temporary slowdown will not last muc beyond my first year at the new job. Overall, this is a good thing for me, my family, and FWS. Oddly, my new office will be right near Steve Jackson Games in south Austin.    

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