Jomon people are direct ancestors of Japanese / YAP gene holders / Original of Japan

Jomon pottery of Jomon period(14,000-300BC)

Japanese original ancestors were Jomon people.

Next Yayoi period,Eurasian continental people visited and settled in Japan.
So,current Japanese are mix of original and some continental people.

But original Japanese blood is still living as rare Ainu people.
They have secret male-line gene that Hebrew people have.
Most other Asian men don't have the gene.

Original Japanese people were omnivorous and they ate anything with gratitude for foods.
It is Shinto's concept.
Eating foods means living with them forever and it is very sacred act more than you think.
There are some eating rituals in Shinto.

God allows us to eat animal meat if we thank animal before eat.
The Earth is a big stage for human and animals are teachers for human.
Because animals never give up to live and they never look back about past time. 
But some people think that human is bad extra existence for the Earth.
Human is part of God.It is a mirror.
God made this stage for the human's challenge.
This life is a last chance for human.
Please eat good meal for your long life.You need to live longer.

Nutrient balance is important.
Your body composes the best energy automatically when you eat various foods all-at-once
and your body and mind work healthily.
Eat various things.
Many people visit psychiatry without eating good balance meal.
Especially,meat is high protein and multi vitamin food.
Vegan or vegetarian people's nutrient balance is not appropriate especially in their old ages.
They look healthy in young ages but...
 If you are middle ages or more,eat meat more
Old people needs high protein food like meat.

Omnivorous people's power of aura is strong.
It prevents possess by bad spirits.
Don't avoid eating meat.Don't avoid specific foods extremely.
Avoiding mind causes other health problems that you don't realize.

Of course,you don't have to eat allergic foods or dislike foods.
But if you like taste of meat,eat meat right now.
Because animals are already killed even if you don't eat.
Please eat it with respect.
Please eat food that your old ancestors had already been eating.

1,Less carbohydrates,but be sure to eat it to avoid brain diseases
2,Less artificial sugar and salt 
3,Much vegetables,meats and good oil
4,Distilled water

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