# Accommodation ♪ New concept of travel! Comics x Capsule Hotel Kyoto! + Things to do in Kyoto!

# Accommodation ♪ New concept of travel! Comics x Capsule Hotel Kyoto! + Things to do in Kyoto!

Unique Capsule Hotel in Kyoto
Comics & Capsule Hotel

What is ComiCap?
Capsule Hotel? Comics Cafe?  ComiCap!

Comics & Capsule Hotel
In this posting, we would like to introduce you a capsule hotel in Kyoto, one of the popular sightseeing spots. 
We have heard that it is a capsule hotel a slightly different from the ordinary one!
A capsule hotel in Kyoto called "ComiCap
it is Comics & Capsule Hotel in Kyoto.  
And this unique concept capsule hotel is first founded in Japan!

Capsule hotel surrounded by comics!
Cultural experience only in Japan.

Comics & Capsule Hotel (コ ミ カ プ) Kyoto shop

- 1F-4F, 525 Higashigawacho, Nakagyo ward, Kyoto
- 075-254-7330
- E-mail: comicap-shinkyogoku@runsystem.co.jp
- 5 minutes walk from Kawaramachi Station
- CHECK IN / CHECK OUT: 15:00 (final CHECK IN 24:00) / next day 11:00
- Guest room type and one night fee (tax excluded):
STANDARD 3,980 yen (46 rooms) / DELUXE 4,980 yen (14rooms)
※Price may be varied on weekends, and seasonal holidays.
- Credit cards are available: VISA, NICOS, Master Card, JCB, DC, UFJ Card
- Fully equipped Wi-Fi
- Amenities: In-house clothes, bath towels, face towels, slippers, tooth-brushing sets, shavings etc. (Mobile chargers can also be rented occasionally)
Official website (Japanese)
- For reservation (English)
- For Plan details (English)


Points to stay at 

There are various types of accommodation facilities such as guest house, Airbnb, and capsule hotel.
It is really hard to make decision while planning a trip!

This time,
it might be a bit hard to imagine
the capsule hotel with this unique concepts of Comics x Capsule.

Let us simply show you the 3 characteristics of this unique capsule hotel!

Points to stay at ComiCap①
Less than 5000yen! Accommodation with shower! 
Less than 5000yen! Accommodation with shower! 

One of the advantages of staying at ComiCap is reasonably affordable!

While planning travel budget, one of the largest parts is the accommodation fee.
Normally, staying at a general Japanese hotel would cost more than 10,000 yen (about US$100) per night, if you can stay at ComiCap at a price of about half,
you would like use it and recommend to your friends as well for
saving more traveling budgets.

Points to stay at ComiCap②
Feel the charm of Japan as an animation kingdom deeply

Japan is known as the birthplace of animation.
Many people come to Japan for figures, comics and animations doubtlessly.
So here ComiCap is a space overwhelming their fantasy.

Here, you can read comics all day long, 
so if you are fans of Japanese animation,
you would love it definitely!
(Currently comics available in Japanese only)

Points to stay at ComiCap③
Convenient spot in Kyoto
It is located in the middle of the shopping street.
How convenient!

It is just five-minute walk from Kyoto Kawahara-cho Station and is very convenient for travelers who like to travel by train.
 In addition, this Kawaramachi Station is only one stop from Gion Shijo, one of the Kyoto's popular sightseeing spots.
Since it is near to the shopping street, 
so it is convenient for the ones who would like to buy souvenirs during your stay!


Comics & Capsule Hotel 
ComiCap(コ ミ カ プ) Kyoto shop

Let see the procedure of check-in!

1. Check-in at the reception desk
This is the 4F of the building!
Wow! What a modern layout!

Yes!! We are checking in here!

2. Get the in-house clothing and amenity
Get the in-house clothing and amenity after check-in

After completing the check-in procedure, 
you will be provided with cabinet keys and in-house clothing to wear within the facility, and amenity set.
It is like we are walking in the sauna with the similar belongings.

3. Valuables lockers
It is the storage for the valuables.

Valuables lockers are located at the opposite side of the reception counter. 
It is more safe to keep the valuables yourselves; 
otherwise, you can keep it here!

4. Keep your shoes at the entrance
Cabinet for shoes at the entrance 

You would see the shoe cabinet next to the reception counter.
 Please take off your shoes in front of the counter and keep it in the cabinet.
Don't remember the key!

5. Move on to the changing room and get changed to the in-house clothing
Please use the locker of the same number of your key

After checking in, moving on to the changing room to change into the
in-house clothing.
Just use the locker of the same number of you key given. 


2 types of Capsule!
There are 60 capsule rooms in ComiCap.
Rooms are divided into two types, 
Standard type and Deluxe type.
Let us examine the feature of each from now on!

Type ①
Standard type 
Manga occupying the wall of the capsule

Standard rooms are 46 out of 60 rooms and 
 one room is 3,980 yen per night.
As introduced, there are comics in the lounge, 
but also at the standard type of the capsule space.

Wooden capsule with warm and fashionable atmosphere

Especially the warmth feeling of this wooden design is fashionable, 
the entrance of these capsule is larger than the general one.
Easy to go in and out!

Wide entrance of the Capsule

Comics occupying the wall of the capsule!
Same as sleeping in the crowd of comics!

★Standard rooms
3980 yen 
46 rooms are available

Type ②
Deluxe type
Spacious space but no comics around.
Space specialized for sleeping.

There are 14 rooms of Deluxe Type. 
From its name, 
Deluxe Type is more spacious than the Standard Type.
4,980 yen a night 
Just 1,000 yen different from the Standard Type.

The biggest difference to the standard type is that 
there are no comics in the capsule, and it is only a capsule space. 
Luggage storage is available beside the capsule.

Storage space of Deluxe type rooms
are available for big luggage.

So, if you have lots of luggage, it might be better to choose deluxe room.
Even big suitcase or all the shopping bags are possible to store here!
How friendly to travelers.

Plug for charging inside the capsule and smartphone etc.

Looking inside the capsule, 
there was a space about 30 cm wider than the standard type, 
appropriate for its name Deluxe type. 
There are also plugs to charge your smartphone etc. , which is same to standard type.

Mattress "Latex" of low-repulsion cushion is used. 
If you are care about your sleeping,
 deluxe rooms are recommended.

Luggage storage space is possible to be locked.


Comics x Capsule Hotel 
Check point other than accommodation

After looking at the check-in procedure and the characteristics of the room types.
 Let's take a look at other facilities.

① Shower & Washing Facilities
Washing machine in shower space (Extra charge)

Most of the capsule hotels have the shared  shower facilities and laundry facilities for tourists. 
ComiCap also has clean shower facilities, 
so that you can take shower and do laundry after a day of travel.

Washroom next to the shower room

Amenity items are more than general hotel

ComiCap is quite different from most of the ordinary capsule hotel.
On the washstand, hair spray, mouthwash, shaving foam, toothpaste,
amenities are apparently better than general hotel!

If you are not familiar to the shared shower facilities, 
here you are the bath tab and wash basin!

How unique to have the individual bath tab and wash basin

A friendly facility for the ones who are not familiar to the shared showers,
you can use this individual bath tab and wash basin.
Please make reservation in advance.
Both male and female are available.

one hour - 500 yen  

② Simple space for eating and drinking
Lounge with electric pot, microwave for simple meals.

ComiCap has a space where you can easily eat outside food and drink.
It is possible to use an electric pot with warm hot water and a microwave. 
Just have your snacks you bought at noon in the midnight.
(Food and drinks are only available in the lounge.)

Snacks, cup noodles and sweet are available at the reception counter.
If you are annoying to go out to shop,
just buy it here conveniently.

③ From the latest comics to fashion magazine and travel magazine
About 30,000 comics can be found

Not only comics, but also fashion and travel magazine.

ComiCap is a capsule hotel featuring comics;
therefore, you can see various genres of comics from latest back to the classic one.

Also, even those if you are not quite interested in comics,
feel free to read the travel and fashion magazines.
If you are interested in fashion,
you would be concentrated to the magazine for a long time too.

④ Bed and sofa, good for lying down and reading
Not only for sleeping
but also mattress for reading book

ComiCap has about 20,000 books.
In general, you might read them within your capsule. 
Also, you can take rest at the lounge placed with mattress and sofa.
A space of greenery forest! how stylish!

Q. How do you find books here?
There are PC to search for the location of books

Entering title in the PC, 
then you will be informed the position of the corresponding comics.
Since only Japanese is available,
you can still ask the staffs!


Paying attention to the female guests

In general, capsule hotel has many common space.
Female guests might be worried about the security.

But you don't have to worry in ComiCap.
Delicate security is considered for female guests!
Let's take a closely look at it!

For Female guests①
Auto-locked female bathroom and shower space
Specific key is needed to the entry of shower room and bathroom.

Speaking of the most inconvenient communal facilities for female guests,
there you are shower room, changing room and bathroom.
But no worry!
They are all safe in ComiCap.

Special key is being given to the female guests only. 
Unlocked the room with your key,
then you can access to the shower room, changing room and bathroom.

For Female guests②
Cosmetic cleansing, ironing, massage machine
Iron, Facial Equipment, Massage machine, Megrthythm (Eye mask), Cosmetic Cleansing, etc. 
All are kindly service to female guests.

At the female washbasins, 
you can use all of these for free.
You can only find these items at the female washbasins.
 Facial Equipment, Massage machine, Megrthythm (Eye mask), Cosmetic Cleansing.
All are popular items in Japan.

This service is more than as in an ordinary hotel.
(You can borrow facial equipment, iron, massage machine for free at the reception counter)
Shampoo BOTANIST is available at the female shower rooms.

Unlike the male shower room, the female private shower room is completely private, so people who are concerned about the communal facilities can use it comfortably.

Here's what you should pay attention to! Shampoo and rinse!
 "Botanist" popular of its natural ingredients. 


Precautions of accommodation!

ComiCap is a shared facility, 
there are some notes for everyone to use comfortably.
Not too harsh and different,
just some general manner to focus on.

1. Return the books to the original place 
Return to the original place after reading

Comicap is based on the concept of Comics cafe!
So, there are many comics and magazines. 
It is nice to have a book and read it wherever within Comicap.
But what if you bring it to your capsule and fall asleep, 
people who wanna read that book but can't find it.
So don't forget to return the books to the original place as the basic manner.

2. You are not allow to enter other's capsule. And be quiet in the capsule!
Even though the capsule is wider as usual,
you are not allowed to enter other's capsule.
Also, no chatting at night or talking on a phone inside the capsule.
Please refrain from annoying others.


3 Top Power spots in Kyoto 
to gain your power!

Comics & Capsule Hotel in Kyoto is in the neighborhood of Gion Shijo,
center of Kyoto sightseeing
Therefore, it is very convenient to go on a trip within Kyoto.
 From now on, we are showing you the sightseeing spot in Kyoto together.

Let's check them out and have some lucky power!

1. Seimei Jinja Shrine (晴明神社)
Seimei Jinja Shrine dedicated to astronomer "Seimei Abe."

It is a shrine to dedicate to astronomer "Seimei Abe" in Heian Period. 

The star marks stand out.
Indeed a shrine worshiping astronomers.

For this reason, how unique and unusual to see this star mark at the shrine.
 It is said that there is a relationship with "Yin and Yang" in ancient Chinese religious thought.
It seems everything in the universe is a philosophy of harmony between yin and yang.
That is why it becomes a popular power spot recently!

★Seimei Jinja Shrine (晴明神社)
806 Seimeicho, Kamigyo ward, Kyoto (Horikawa-dori Ichijo Agaru)
9:00~18:00 (Open all year round)
Free entry

2. Kamigamo Jinja Shrine (上賀茂神社)

It is said that Kamigamo Jinja Shrine is the oldest shrine in Kyoto since 678.
In 1994, it has become one of the world heritage.
No doubt it is a good choice to gain some luck and power.

★Kamigamo Jinja Shrine (上賀茂神社)
339 Motoyama, Kamigamo, Kita-ku, Kyoto 
5:30~17:00 (Will be changed if ceremony is held)

3. Heian Jingu Shrine (平安神宮)
Compared to the shrine introduced above, this is a modern one.

Heian Jingu Shrine was built in March 1985, for the venue of an exhibition.
Current, it is worshiping the 50th generation of Emperor Kanmu and 121st generation of Emperor Komei.

Although it is not certified as a World Heritage, the magnificent buildings attract many tourists recently.

Amulets for pets.
Cute shape as an accessories too.

Our Kuruki wearing this special amulet!

Unique point to visit Heian Jingu Shrine is you can purchase a pet-only amulet.

Not only for human begins but also pet!
It is popular to its shape too!
Nice accessory!

★Heian Jingu Shrine (平安神宮)
Nishitennocho, Okazaki, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto
6:00~17:30 (for worshiping 8:30~17:00)


Reasonable and unique accommodation in Kyoto!!!

This time, we have taken you to the unique concept of capsule hotel in Kyoto.
Comics & Capsule Hotel
Not only in reasonable price but also unique and interesting concept.

No doubt,
ComiCap will become a new form and style of accommodation 
that will attract many of the foreign tourists visiting Kyoto.

So when you come to Kyoto,
will Comicap the choice of your accommodation?
Enjoy comics and magazine at the same place!
Comics & Capsule Hotel in Kyoto.

Comics & Capsule Hotel (コ ミ カ プ) Kyoto shop

- 1F-4F, 525 Higashigawacho, Nakagyo ward, Kyoto
- 075-254-7330
- E-mail: comicap-shinkyogoku@runsystem.co.jp
- 5 minutes walk from Kawaramachi Station
- CHECK IN / CHECK OUT: 15:00 (final CHECK IN 24:00) / next day 11:00
- Guest room type and one night fee (tax excluded):
STANDARD 3,980 yen (46 rooms) / DELUXE 4,980 yen (14rooms)
※Price may be varied on weekends, and seasonal holidays.
- Credit cards are available: VISA, NICOS, Master Card, JCB, DC, UFJ Card
- Fully equipped Wi-Fi
- Amenities: In-house clothes, bath towels, face towels, slippers, tooth-brushing sets, shavings etc. (Mobile chargers can also be rented occasionally)
Official website (Japanese)
For reservation (English)
For Plan details (English)

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