Most Confusing Kanji for Beginners in Common Japanese Words
Friday, March 31, 2017
The Japanese language has many gotchas for beginners, some that will make anyone question everything they've learned so far about a single word, or, most likely, about a single kanji. In this post I'll warn you about some common words in Japanese that have kanji that will suddenly show up in completely different words of totally unrelated meaning which may leave you feeling lost and confused.
Why couldn't they make mae 前 mean "in front" and "after" instead?! That's be much simpler! Really. Why would anyone do this?! What's their reasoning?!
My best guess is that if you were in a race or something, the guy in "front" of you, mae, would cross the finish line "before" you, mae. Likewise, being "behind" him, ushiro, you'd cross it "after" him, ato.
Yeah, nah, screw that. These kanji make no sense.
First off, fun 分, bun 分, pun 分 or bu 分, depending on the word, is a Japanese counter for counting things with the Japanese numbers.
Let me rephrase that: it is TWO Japanese counters, not one. One counter is for minutes of time (fun, bun, pun) and the other counter for parts of a whole (bu, bun).
So the word 1分 may be "one minute," because ippun 一分 counts minutes, but it may also be "one part," because ichibu 一分 counts parts! This, of course, goes on and on: nifun 二分, "two minutes", nibun 二分, "two parts," sanpun 三分, "three minutes," sanbun 三分, "three parts."
But wait, to clarify, how many "parts" are we talking about? Well, it might be one-tenth, one-hundredth, one percent, or one whatever, depends on context. It might even be talking about halves or thirds, dividing in N parts.
For exampe, sanbun no ichi 3分の1 would be "1 of 3 parts," or "one third." But sanbun 3分 alone means only "3 parts," so it might be interpreted as 3 tenths, 3 percent, or 3 whatever depending on context.
Kun 君 and Kimi 君
If you started learning Japanese because you like anime or manga you might have already known what the words kun and kimi meant before studying the language for real. That is, kun is an honorific suffixed after names, and kimi is a way of saying "you" in Japanese. Two very different words, with only one little thing in common... and it's not the letter k.
Both these words have the same fucking kanji! It's kimi 君 and kun 君, it's the same damn thing.
So, not knowing that, you might see the kanji 君 lying around in the middle of a phrase and spend 30 seconds figuring out if it says "you" or if some of the previous hiragana, katakana and kanji happened to be someone's name, which is totally possible because names of characters in manga can be literally anything.
Some authors will do you the favor of writing kimi キミ with katakana or kun くん with hiragana to save you the trouble, though most won't. And some manga will have furigana 振り仮名 to save you in these troubling times, though most won't either. So watch out.
(though rare, words like shokun 諸君, "ladies & gentlemen, "comrades," also exist)
Sama 様 and You 様
Okay, so kun 君 and kimi 君 are confusing because it-may-be-a-name-with-honorific thing, but, luckily, that sort of unfortunate mix-up only happens with those words and with that kanji, right?
lol no
You can almost hear a physical embodiment of the Japanese languages singing "fuck you baka gaijin" as it manages to create another diabolical mix-up: sama 様, the honorific, and you 様, the word usually written in hiragana that will show up as kanji one of these days to make you slip and fall on the floor to your ultimate demise.
In this case, you 様, uh... it doesn't mean "you." It's not like kimi, which is "you." you isn't "you." Anyway. In this case, you 様 is a complicate word that often refers to the way something looks. It's often preceded by an adjective and becomes an adjective itself through the na particle. Like this:
- kono you desu このようです
[It's] like this. - kami no you na sonzai 神のような存在
An existence like God. - kimi no you na hito 君のような人
A person like you.
As you can see, you よう is often written with hiragana. But it just might show up as kanji one of these days without you knowing.
What's more, this word is like a bomb set up to trick beginners. Because manga aimed at children won't have it written with kanji, but manga aimed at at adults won't have the furigana you'd use to discern you 様 from sama 様. So it will indeed show up as you move from shounen to seinen manga.
Tachi 達 and Tassu 達す
So now we are done with honorifics, right? Yes, we are!
But not with suffixes.
The pluralizing suffix tachi 達 is that common Japanese word that turns one person into more persons. It makes "me," watashi 私, become "we", watashi-tachi 私達. It shows up all the time when you are reading and it's always, always to mean the pluralization.
'cept when it's not.
The word tassu 達す might look like a joke word. I mean look at this reading: たっ-す. The 達 kanji ends up having a reading with small tsu in the end, it makes no sense. It never happens like this. I'm not even sure I've ever found another kanji that's read this way. Anyway, tassu means "to reach," and it's also found in the form of tassuru 達する.
When you'll find this word in manga? Literally never. You only find this word next to words like tatsujin 達人. A tatsujin is someone who tasshita 達した, has "reached," something. That is, a tatsujin is a "master" that has "reached" a high level of kung-fu, karate, ninjutsu, beyblade, etc.
A more common word in the real word would be sokutatsu 速達, "express delivery," which ought to be harder to find in mangas than main characters with brains.
Mae 前, Ato 後 and Ushiro 後ろ
These two kanji. These. Two. Damn. Kanji. If you have ever needed definitive proof that you are not crazy, that the Japanese language is, indeed, absolutely, deliberating fucking shitting with you, this is going to be it.
Why, you ask? Well, it's because THESE TWO KANJI CONTRADICT THEMSELVES.
Holy shit. Whoever assigned these kanji to these words better have committed sudoku 数独 afterwards because this is titanic levels of screw up.
The problem is that mae 前 is "forward" physically, but "backward" in time! Likewise, ato 後 is "forward" in time, with ushiro 後ろ being "backward" in space!
What happens is that 前 and 後 are about being forward and backward in time and space. Which sounds neat and all, and means there's one word for "after," one for "before," one for "behind," and one for "in front." All of them using these two kanji.The problem is that mae 前 is "forward" physically, but "backward" in time! Likewise, ato 後 is "forward" in time, with ushiro 後ろ being "backward" in space!
- mae wo miru 前を見る
Look forward. (pay attention! When driving, etc.) - neru mae ni ha wo migakinasai 寝る前に歯を磨きなさい
Brush [your] teeth before sleeping. - sono ato dou suru? その後どうする?
What [you]'ll do after that? - ushiro ni dareka iru! 後ろに誰かいる!
There's someone behind [you]!
Why couldn't they make mae 前 mean "in front" and "after" instead?! That's be much simpler! Really. Why would anyone do this?! What's their reasoning?!
My best guess is that if you were in a race or something, the guy in "front" of you, mae, would cross the finish line "before" you, mae. Likewise, being "behind" him, ushiro, you'd cross it "after" him, ato.
Yeah, nah, screw that. These kanji make no sense.
omae お前
Oh, yeah, let's not forget the word omae お前, which means "you" in Japanese (too). Why the hell is the word for "in front" or "behind" part of the word for "you"? Well, it has some very obscure reason lost in history centuries ago, so let's ignore it.分 Counter
This kanji probably takes the take as the most ambiguous symbol in the whole universe. How is it even possible for one single thing to have so many meanings?!
Let me rephrase that: it is TWO Japanese counters, not one. One counter is for minutes of time (fun, bun, pun) and the other counter for parts of a whole (bu, bun).
So the word 1分 may be "one minute," because ippun 一分 counts minutes, but it may also be "one part," because ichibu 一分 counts parts! This, of course, goes on and on: nifun 二分, "two minutes", nibun 二分, "two parts," sanpun 三分, "three minutes," sanbun 三分, "three parts."
But wait, to clarify, how many "parts" are we talking about? Well, it might be one-tenth, one-hundredth, one percent, or one whatever, depends on context. It might even be talking about halves or thirds, dividing in N parts.
For exampe, sanbun no ichi 3分の1 would be "1 of 3 parts," or "one third." But sanbun 3分 alone means only "3 parts," so it might be interpreted as 3 tenths, 3 percent, or 3 whatever depending on context.
Jyuubun 十分
On top of that, on top of being two counters, the bun 分 part also has to show up in a very, very misleading word: jyuubun 十分.
Because this thing is written the kanji for "ten," jyuu 十, it looks like it might say "ten minutes" or "10 parts," and it actually does, in fact, mean "10 parts;" "10 minutes" being jippun 十分, a different reading. But the problem is: jyuubun 十分, sometimes jyuubun 充分, most of the time means something else: "plenty."
Yes, it's that common word. kore de jyuubun desu これで十分です, "(with) this is enough," or "this is plenty." It's the only jyuubun you ever hear!
After that, the bun 分 reading also appears in the common word jibun 自分, "myself" or "oneself," which has nothing to do with minutes either.
Wakaru 分かる, Wakeru 分ける, Wakareru 分かれる
Next we have verbs. Because just being not one, but two counters wasn't ambiguous enough, so let's be 3 verbs too! Because why not!
The most common of the three is obviously wakaru 分かる. It's everywhere: wakaru na, wakaru ne, wakaru no. Literally everywhere every time said by everyone. An extremely common word. It means "to understand," or, "to be known" since it's intransitive. (you can't wakaru something)
Then we have wakeru 分ける, which has absolutely nothing to do with the above. It means "to divide" or "to split." Of all things! It can also mean to "separate" or even "to tell apart." But it looks like a goddamn conjugation of wakaru! Who could have guessed that wakaru and wakeru are two completely different words?
So you're reading a manga, chilling, and all of sudden someone "understands an apple in two;" What does that even mean?!
And next, of course, there's wakareru 分かれる, which also means "to divide" like wakeru 分ける. The difference? Well, wakeru is transitive (someone wakeru's something) while wakareru is intransitive (someone wakareru). So it's used to say, for example, that a path "branches" into two. Because you don't say someone "branched" the path into two. There's no object in the phrase, so it's intransitive.
Ukeru 受ける and Ukaru 受かる
In a similar vein, the words ukeru 受ける and ukaru 受かる look like conjugations or even maybe a transitive and intransitive version of each-other, but they are no such thing.
The common word, ukeru, means "to receive," and it's common enough to show up in compound verbs like uketoru 受け取る, "to receive and pick (an item)," uketomeru 受け止める, "to receive and stop (an attack)," etc.
Then we have ukaru 受かる. It has a very, very specific meaning. So specific one'd wonder why there's even a verb for that. The word ukaru means "to pass an examination," like a college one. And no, it doesn't means to "receive" an examination. It doesn't mean you may fail it after having ukaru'd it. The verb ukaru is specifically for having passed it.
Of course you can conjugate that verb. If you didn't pass the examination, for example, you could say its past negative form: ukaranakatta 受からなかった, "didn't pass."
Of course you can conjugate that verb. If you didn't pass the examination, for example, you could say its past negative form: ukaranakatta 受からなかった, "didn't pass."