Oni / Japanese traditional concept / Gojinjyo Taiko Ritual movie

This red man is a typical image of Oni.
Many people are misunderstanding about Oni..
Is oni an angry monster? 

Oni is one of the concept of God of our heart.

If you had bad feeling/attitudes/words/sin to other people,
Oni will punish you with that scary face.
Because you don't follow your true heart.
(True heart means your conscience)
So,please think Oni as your strict father or grand father.

Your true heart is conscience and kindness heart.
Oni is always protecting your conscience's level with his strictness.
In other words,Oni prevents your reckless driving of ego.

Kindness feeling is protected by strictness deterrence feeling.
There was same story in Japanese ancient book.
Japanese prime God is Amaterasu,the Goddess of the Sun.
But she is protected by powerful brother Susanoo, the God of the Land.
She was needed to be protected by him
Because her main work is kindness heart.

Our peaceful nation is also protected by army.
There is no country without power.
If you haven't any army in your country,
other neighbor countries will ruin your country at once.

Strong power is always protects peace.
We have to know this simple concept.
Can you live without police when you are attacked by someone?
You will call the police immediately because you know it is the best way to protect yourself.
It is very difficult to keep your peace without strictness.
Oni concept is important to know about Japanese tradition and current diplomatic situation.

And then,
there was a Oni gods world from ancient long long time ago.
(Before all humen being were born)
Japanese artists have been influenced by Oni gods world.
For example,NOH,KABUKI and ZEAMI have similar atmosphere.
These Japanese arts were derived from Oni gods world.

Noh mask




This interesting movie is ritual of Ishikawa prefecture.
Oni men are beating Japanese drum intensely.

If you are my blog lover,I think you already  know what I want to say.
Ishikawa prefecture has unique character of Japan.
Please refer to this page → Moses history in Japan
Moses also had two tiny horns on his fore head.

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