Yamabushi and Tengu / Japanese ascetic hermits of Buddhism / Hebrew history in Japan

Photo by wikipedia
Yamabushi is known as Japanese unique Buddhist.
They are training in mountains and nature.(A kind of mountain worship)
There are many Yamabushi all over Japan.
The root of Yamabushi is ancient Jewish/Hebrew people in Japan.
Many Hebrews visited ancient Japan.
Of course this fact is not written in wikipedia,
because most Japanese people are really not interested in religious things.

Japanese most important concept is Shinto.

Some people think that Shinto is just a behavior towards respectable nature.
(Nature gods are protecting local area)
Furthermore many people think that Japan is Buddhism country.
(Buddhism is very new thing in Japanese long history)

This Japan-Jewish connection is really difficult to explain.
But you will understand what I meaning if you read all my articles about Shinto and Hebrews.
I had already summarized enough information in my past posts.

Please look at their head accessory that is called Tokin.
Tokin was derived from Teffilin.(Black head accessory of Jewish)

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Star ceremony / Hoshi-Matsuri in Kyoto,Japan.

This festival is held on every February 11.
Their religious roots are Zoroastrianism(→Judaism),Esoteric Shingon Buddhism and Shugendo.(Mountain worship)
Shugendo's old root is Japanese Hakusan mountain worship in super ancient time.

Hakusan worship / Pillar and mountain warship in super ancient time of Japan (Root of Shinto)
World common solar deity in ancient time 
Many traditional religions occurred 
Moses and many Hebrews visited Japanand their culture was added into Japan.
Yamabushi priests were born at that time.

But Yamabushi culture was merged into Japanese Zen Buddhism temple not Shinto because there is no physical training and teaching in Japanese original Shinto.
Priests wanted to do something hard = Training,Rule as work

By the way,Buddhism's physical training is not recommended in current society.
Physical training is old fashioned way to be awakening.
Medication,hard yoga,praying under cold water fall...and so on.
Buddha never recommend these things because he couldn't achieve
his spiritual enlightenment with physical training.
Buddha was almost dying because of hunger and hard training.
He noticed the truth by a kind lady who gave foods to Buddha.
Her name is Sujata.

After that Buddha recommended practical social efforts in life.
Please read primitive Buddhism book Dhammapada and Sutta Nipata.
There is no words about recommendation about physical training.
Buddha said to his students like this
"Do your work in front of you now, instead of spiritual things"
"Avoid spiritual teachers who need fee"
"Be kind to other people"

Office work,house keeping are greater than any other useless meditation.
Medication lovers just want to feel exotic atmosphere.Waste of time.
Keep your temper in peace when you are in bad situation.
This is true Buddhism.
If you want to relax,you can do anytime anywhere.
Without meditation.
When human want to escape from society,evils use the human as their slave.

Judaism essence was added in the middle of Japanese history,
but Japanese Shitno was not separated with Judaism from the beginning.
Man and woman are parent.(2 = 1 originally)

Only Japan have been keeping ancient primitive-core pillar worship and sun worship as SHINTO.
Until now,many Judaism scholars and ambassador(to Japan) have been investigated Japanese secrets.
They couldn't deny about Japanese religious facts between Japan and Israel.
So they already know Japan is east of eden.
There is the CANAAN in Ishikawa prefecture.

We know the buried place of Ark of the covenant,but we are strictly forbidden to say it.

Photo by wikipedia

 Tengu is a type of legendary creature of Japan.
Some people call them yōkai (supernatural beings). 
  Tengu was also derived from ancient Hebrews in Japan.

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Photo by wikipedia
Takao station,Hachio-ji,Tokyo.↑

If you want to see Tengu culture,visit Mount Takao.Many Tengu live there.

There is a famous temple,Takaosan-Yakushiouin.

It was a training center of Shugendo.
Photo by wikipedia
Cool Tengu statue of the temple.

Photo by photolibrary
Tengu's Geta.(wooden clogs)

Tengu are hopping in mountain to protect nature with the clogs.

Sometimes,they are watching people whether good personality or not.

They can live only in nature.

In spiritual point of view,Tengu are nature fairies and they are servant-god group of Susanoo.

(In Japanese myth,Susanoo is the God of land and sea)

So,Tengu is strict character like Susanoo.

There is another servant-god group.It is Oni.

Oni /Japanese traditional concept / Gojinjyo Taiko ritual movie

Susanoo uses two servant-god groups.

Both servant-god groups have 10 levels each.

Lower level Tengu is heavy drinker and nasty.

Higher level Tengu is sacred Ujigami(Diety for local nature).

Tengu and Oni love to beat a drum.

Japanese ancient real history and myth are not separated.

Japan is country of myth.

It is very interesting thing in Japan.

When Moses and his followers reached Japan(EAST of Eden),

Japanese people were really surprised their face,especially big eyes and tall noses.

This history made Tengu culture and Yamabushi.

But Tengu world already had existed in Japanese myth before Hebrews came to Japan.

Photo by photolibrary

Isaiah history in Japan
I think these stories are really interesting to Jewish people.

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