Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and Peace Bell | Japan Solo Travel

Unfortunately, it started raining again. I was slightly disappointed for a brief moment but thankfully, I've already taken all of my touristy shots that needed a tripod (and potentially leaving my camera in the rain).

On second thoughts, I guess a clear and sunny day wouldn't have felt right in a solemn place like Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.

The pedestal of the Flame of Peace was designed to look like two opened hands with palms facing up

Took a stroll walk along one of the quieter corners of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park while digesting everything I've saw, read and learnt. Much as I want to believe that people are good at heart despite all the evil in the world, those around me keep proving otherwise. That's life, huh. People keep disappointing, but you just accept it and go on your merry way.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park is a heritage center in its entirety. Every corner of the park is filled with history and stories, as proven by the numerous signs erected around to explain the significance of every nook and cranny.

Some paper cranes made by students and donated by tourists

Bell of Peace

Wanted to take a photo with the Bell of Peace but there aren't anyone around and I couldn't utilise my tripod due to the rain. Usually, I would have been frustrated that things didn't go my way but the aura of a calmness around Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park chased my anxiety away. Thank you, Hiroshima, for teaching me a lesson that day: life isn't always about looking great for Instagram.

So grateful that I reached Hiroshima in the wee hours of the morning and started exploring early because tourists started streaming in around early afternoon, breaking the tranquility of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.

Just as I was leaving Peace Memorial Park, I caught a rainbow, and the rainbow after the rain was a perfect ending to Hiroshima travel. My first Japanese sunrise and first rainbow, both witnessed in Hiroshima.

I wanted a photo with the rainbow but it was still drizzling and I didn't dare to risk ruining my friend's leather jacket so I could only admire the rainbow from afar. That didn't make the rainbow any less magical though :') In fact Hiroshima taught me aother valuable lesson: you can't always have what you want.

I turned around, and caught this magnificent sight. The stillness of Motoyasu River captures how serene Hiroshima is — a stark contrast to its violent past.

The bridge I witnessed my Hiroshima rainbow on

I spent a total of five hours in Peace Memorial Park and it was about 12pm when I was done. The slower pace of life in Hiroshima allowed me to relax and I quite enjoyed the change so I decided to travel to Miyajima instead of rushing to Hiroshima Castle like I originally planned on my Japan itinerary.

Thank you, Hiroshima, for being everything I imagined you to be — and beyond. I can't wait to be back. 


Japan Solo Travel (January 2017)

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